Page 42 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 42

complex; a vaccines advisory       why not, at the very least         of safety and efficacy?
          group to WHO identified com-       LISTEN to the conversations        •  You may  be  vaccine injured
          placency,  inconvenience  in       and concerns being raised, with    without knowing it and you prob-
          accessing vaccines, and lack       a view to ensuring that these is-  ably think it’s just a condition you
          of confidence are key reasons      sues are aired and carefully re-   have to put up with that occurred
          underlying  hesitancy. Health      searched?                          naturally?
          workers, especially those in                                          •   There are connections  be-
          communities, remain the most       Vaccine testing  and ap-           tween the gut, immune, and
          trusted advisor and influencer     proval process                     neurological  issues often seen
          of vaccination decisions, and      Did you know that:                 in vaccine injuries?
          they must be supported to                                             •   They affect child develop-
                                             •  Most vaccines have not under-
          provide  trusted,  credible  in-                                      ment?
                                             gone carcinogenity testing?
          formation on vaccines.                                                • By 2016 HPV vaccine had
                                             •  Their effects  have not been
          In  2019,  WHO  will  ramp  up     studied in pregnant women?         been  introduced  into 5  African
          work to eliminate cervical can-    •  In  terms  of  safety  studies,  a   countries with demonstration
          cer worldwide  by increasing                                          projects introduced in 15 more?
                                             major issue is that most vaccine
          coverage of the HPV vaccine,                                          •  A large majority of the Amish,
                                             studies use another vaccine or
          among other interventions.                                            a  religious community living
                                             the background  substance  of
          2019 may also be the year          the vaccine, as the control pla-   across the USA  claim religious
          when transmission of wild po-      cebo?  That in a study where       exemption to  vaccination  and
          lio virus is stopped in Afghan-                                       as such the vast  majority are
                                             they used a true saline placebo,
          istan and Pakistan. Last year,                                        not vaccinated. They had not re-
                                             the results showed a higher rate
          less than  30  cases were re-                                         ported a single case of measles
                                             of infections in the vaccinated?
          ported in both countries. WHO      •  Vaccines interrupt the  nor-    between 1970 and 1987. At the
          and partners are committed to      mal immune process in infants      same  time,  non‐Amish  highly‐
          supporting these countries to                                         vaccinated communities still re-
                                             and can cause serious life-long
          vaccinate every  last child to                                        ported 2‐3 year epidemics.
          eradicate this  crippling  dis-                                       •   The consumer ‘watchdog’  in
                                             • Trials include too few children
          ease for good.”                                                       the US that is responsible  for
                                             in the age group that will be tar-
                                             geted?                             evaluation of new drugs before
          I, personally, find that their ‘En-                                   they are sold, relies on vaccine
                                             •  They only study healthy chil-
          glish’ very deliberately minimiz-                                     makers’ studies  to determine
                                             dren without personal or family
          es the very real and very genu-                                       safety and effectiveness of vac-
                                             histories of vaccine reactions,
          ine concerns that parents have     autoimmunity,  allergy,  neuro-    cines?
          about what has happened to                                            • Pharmaceutical  companies
                                             logical  disease  or concurrent
          their children or  other people’s                                     can pay the ‘watchdog’ to speed
          children. Citing “complacency,                                        up the approval process?
                                             • Study outcomes dismiss se-
          inconvenience and lack of con-                                        •    American children are the most
                                             rious health problems, injuries
          fidence”  barely  addresses  the   and deaths occurring during the    highly vaccinated in the world,
          issue of death, disability and the                                    the number of vaccines required
                                             trial as not related to the exper-
          various physical and mental ef-                                       for school entry has increased
                                             imental  vaccine  without ade-
          fects that are being experienced                                      by approximately  260%.  Chil-
                                             quate research evidence-based
          daily, for some even hours after                                      dren receive repeated shots for
          the injection is given. Films like   •  There are a growing number of   16 separate illnesses.  Counting
          Vaxxed I and  Vaxxed  II, which                                       vaccines administered during
                                             reports of research misconduct,
          have put together carefully re-                                       pregnancy and yearly flu shots,
                                             biased reporting, conflicts of in-
          searched  scientific  data  on  the                                   by the time they are 18 years old
                                             terest,  and outright fraudulent
          effects of vaccines in the US are                                     they have received up to 73 dos-
                                             activity by pharmaceutical com-
          being censored and deliberate-     panies who produce the  ever       es of vaccines?  The long-term
          ly ridiculed and demeaned. One                                        health effects  of  their vaccine
                                             growing list of vaccines, bringing
          has to ask, that if such societies                                    program are inadequately stud-
                                             into question the accuracy of the
          are as open as they say they are                                      ied and their regulatory bodies
                                             vaccine manufacturers’ claims
          in their own constitutions, then                                      are conflicted. Childhood health
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