Page 38 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 38


                                                                  FOR AFRIKA’S


                   s Afrikans, we must
                   stop lying to our-                                                     Samuel Phillips
                   selves,   especially
       AAfrikan leaders. We
        cannot say we are changing the    ments for their countries  with-   that vaccines are poison? Answer for
        narrative of what the colonizers   in  the same  time period  of the   yourself. If not for anything, how is it
        did to Afrika when the things we   135th anniversary  of the Berlin   possible that we have not found any
        do today still give  strength to   Conference that divided Africa?    credible Afrikan clinical scientists do-
        the very fruit of colonialism. It   Did they forget so soon that the   ing checks on these vaccines to see
        just does not make sense. For     not-too-good Afrika we have now    their chemical components and the
        instance, why should any  Afri-   is a result of the very Berlin Con-  effects of such that we allow foreign
        can irrespective of  the nation-  ference agenda of 1884? Deep-      organizations to give to our children?
        ality be regarded as a foreigner   ly speaking, I am not against the   How safe are vaccines really? Is
        in another  Afrikan country? Or   white man nor am I against any     there a big pharma, big money cov-
        did we forget that the nation-    non-Afrikan nation. Not at all. I   er up somewhere that makes Afrikan
        al boundaries  in Afrika are the   am only saying that anyone who    governments  allow  the  infiltration  of
        signatures  and  proof that the   claims he forbids eating meat      Afrika with deadly vaccines and med-
        divide and rule agenda that was   should not share the same with     icines? Sometime ago, my wife and
        used against our forefathers by   his teeth. For that is what our    I had a chat with the well-known Dr
        the white man was successful?     Afrikan leaders are doing right    jack Githae, an holistic Kenyan doc-
        It  is  irresponsible and morally   under our noses. They complain   tor about GMO's and vaccines. With-
        weak to treat any Afrikan differ-  and whine about how terrible the   out mincing words, he condemns the
        ently or meanly in any  African   effect of colonization is on Afrika   GMO and vaccine usage and the var-
        country.  Yes, the laws  of the   but then they won’t walk away      ious other chemicals we are putting
        nations  of  Afrika as sovereign   from the table of greed present-  into the bodies of our people, espe-
        states must be adhered to, but    ed to them by the same people      cially our children. We can’t boldly
        when laws and their applications   they complain about. Surely,      say  Afrika is free from colonialism
        take the place of mutual under-   someone  needs to think things     when we still can’t make safe health
        standing, empathy, brotherhood,   through. I am concerned  about     policies for our people without the in-
        love, compassion and goodwill     my people and I think I have the   put of big  pharma hidden  agendas.
        among Afrikan people, then we     right to make them see what is     We can’t say Afrika is completely in-
        have not learnt anything  from    not right in the subservient Af-   dependent when the only medicines
        the horrors of the  scramble for   rican narrative. Certainly, Afrika   and medical  materials  we allow  are
        Africa. In another instance, why   is self-sustaining without foreign   the ones manufactured from outside
        do Africans need visas to enter   aid. We just have to actively tell   of the continent or controlled by the
        any  Afrikan nation?  If not that   ourselves  the truth and  follow   big pharma agenda, even when they
        we are still programmed  to fol-  the trail that such truth will lead   are manufactured here.  That’s not
        low the ways of the colonizers,   us to.                             freedom that is slavery under neo-co-
        should not a simple ID card pre-                                     lonialism. There are lots and lots of
        sented be enough at every point   Keep Afrika and                    other things that need to change in
        of entry? Also, why do Afrikans   Afrikans safe                      Afrika outside of foreign investments
        hate and act  meanly towards      From  all indications and from     and the big pharma agenda against
        fellow Afrikans,  but  have warm   all the various accounts you      the Black Man. It is up to us to make
        attitudes towards non-Africans?   find  online,  vaccines  and  vac-  the changes we need.
        I still cannot understand  it, but   cinations don’t seem to  have   We need a new independence - The
        I think it’s a deep sleepiness of   any good  reports. In fact, the   Independence of the MIND!
        the mind that is affected by the   reports of how damaging and
        opioid of  “Colonial  Masterism”.   hazardous  vaccines are to hu-        WHAT MUST WE DO
        Why are Afrikans easily swayed    mans is staggering  and  cannot
        by foreign money,  especially     be overlooked  anymore.  For          As  Afrika celebrates sixty years of indepen-
                                                                                dence, we must  ask  ourselves "are  we really
        the dollar, which they call “hard   every news story  and personal      independent?"  The answer will determine the
        currency” and are ready to sell   disclosure  you hear (there are       next sixty years for Afrika.
        their consciences  on the basis   lots of them) about the dam-
        of that?  Why was it so easy for   aging effects  of  vaccines,  very   We do have scientists in Afrika who can do re-
                                                                                search on the various vaccines brought to Afri-
        certain Afrikan leaders to attend   weak  counters are found to bal-    ka so as to know the hidden substances in the
        a recent economic  summit in      ance the equation. Is it a kind of    vaccines and if they affect the health of Africans
        Berlin  to get loans  and  invest-  oversight or it’s just plain truth   positively or not. We owe it to ourselves to pro-
                                                                                tect our people.
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