Page 34 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 34
and female) out of the dust of
For obviously the serpent didn’t make Eve eat
the earth, breathed into the nos-
tril of the lump of dust and man the fruit. Nor did the serpent put in her the de-
became a living soul. The plan
of God had begun. However, I sire to eat the fruit. The words of the serpent
found a “holy discrepancy” in only activated the desire that was already in
the mix, one which I could not her, placed there through the earth (corrup-
but take a break to understand.
God told His Companions, let tion) from which Adam was made.
Us make man in Our image
but ended up making man out of God. I reasoned that the plan marriage, but that which is in His
of dust. But God’s image is not was to bring man to the reality of heart for man to be His direct
dust but uncreated light. I find what God joined together, which image and likeness. Adam and
this quite curious and also be- is to make man the same as Eve were meant to simply live
lieve it was a deliberate act of Himself in the earth, a creation out the script that God wrote.
God. Could God have a plan which He, God, will call family. I God is still giving men the things
within a plan? Yes, I believe so. reason that God’s plan was for He joined together and most are
It’s a plan that will make a dis- man to eat that fruit, and then die failing each day because they
cerning mind know how God before God when He, God came think what God joined together
thinks. Here is my meditation on in the cool of the day, so that the is their marriage or union. They
this issue. When God made man mystery of John 12:24 could be spend all their time running
in His image, but made him with activated, “Most assuredly I say here and there doing all they
dust (corruption) which is not to you, unless a grain of wheat can to protect, provide for their
the image of God, He put man (man) falls into the ground and union and family but leaving un-
in the garden with two trees, one dies, it remains alone (un-joined watched that which God joined
to make him live and the other to the plan of God) but if it dies, together and for which He God
to make him die and then said it produces much grain.” (Para- brought them. Let me say this,
to him “…but of the tree of the phrase mine). For if God had marriage is not about who brings
knowledge of good and evil you prevented Adam and Eve from in the money, food or whatever
shall not eat, for in the day that eating the forbidden fruit, they is needed in the house, nor is it
you eat of it you shall surely would have eaten the fruit from about how many kids God brings
die.” (Genesis 2:17 NKJV) He the tree of life and lived forever or that you even adopt. There
then went ahead to give him a in their “glorified dust body” but are eternal covenants with God
wife that by design, would sure- with no more ability to become that take care of such issues.
ly make Adam eat of the forbid- the image of God which is not Also, it's not about who is con-
den fruit and die. Did God plan made of dust but of Light. sidered head or weaker vessel...
these events just the way they Which proves to me that when it has never been and never will
went? Did He have something in God made man and allowed be. Most men pride themselves
His mind when all this was going the corruption in him, God had in being the head of the home
on? I believe the answer is yes. a plan that a day was coming just to boost their egos and then
For obviously the serpent didn’t when He God would come into make sure their wives feel less
make Eve eat the fruit. Nor did the garden in the cool of the day, than themselves. So unwise to
the serpent put in her the desire and man would actually die and do such.
to eat the fruit. The words of the then be risen right in the pres- Marriage is about the coming
serpent only activated the desire ence of God, in order for that im- together of two spiritual entities
that was already in her, placed age which was started with dust (male and female) who have
there through the earth (cor- to be completed in light. Why? submitted their human wills to
ruption) from which Adam was Scripture says, as we behold God and have become, individ-
made. The statement “for in the Him, we are changed (see 2Cor ually, those who bring the heart,
day that you eat of it you shall 3:18). mind and counsel of God in all
surely die,” doesn’t sound like a Adam and Eve failed woefully things. And it doesn't matter if
warning to me. It sounded like because they didn’t understand the counsel each one brings
a command that would activate that what God joined togeth- gives pleasure or hurt to either
something that was in the mind er was not themselves or their of them. They both have risen
34 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 35