Page 36 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 36

certain mindsets that eventually   sure communication is efficient
       MEN,                                     shape how and why boys com-        in crucial interactions.
                                                                                   The new challenges of the 21st
       COMMUNICATING                            Many boys globally grow up with    century, which include the real-
                                                                                   ity of social media and the sen-
                                                one or more of these myths:
       FOR ME ALONE                             boys are superior to girls; open-  sitive nature of information de-
                                                                                   livery and meaning, mean that
                                                ing up on deep emotional issues
                                                is weakness and a female char-     we  as a society must create
                                                acteristic; and  lastly, it’s girls   communication that is clear and
            always  consider  it a privilege to
         I                                      outs of the above are that boys    her full potential. We have to
                                                                                   seamless, if Afrika must rise to
                                                that talk too much. The direct fall
            share a few thoughts on the male
            conversation, a passion I  have
                                                will communicate with girls from
                                                                                   hit the ground running in terms
            carried for years now as I con-
          sistently see the need to focus on    a condescending posture, boys      of deploying our most qualified
                                                will find it hard to share emotions   human capacity community to
          this gender in view of the numerous
                                                and information with those they    tackle the most daunting of our
          challenges  of  being a man in 21st
                                                have an intimate relationship      challenges. We will require ev-
          century Afrika.                       with and will have poor listening   eryone communicating for the
          In my personal observation of life in   skills in multiple relationships.   purpose of clarity,engagement
          general, I have come to appreciate
                                                Many men globally  suffer from     and growth.
          the importance of communication in
                                                a condition called alexithymia,    This communication revolution
          relationships across the board. Ev-
                                                a situation where you have very    must begin  in our homes as
          ery relationship thrives on the abil-  few words to express how you      the  bedrock on which society
          ity to convey meaning between two     feel and it contributes a great    is  built,  we must  intentionally
          people for the success of their inter-
                                                deal to the cycle of violence in   prepare  boys to understand
                                                men. When one party has been       the key role they will play in the
          Communication,  as we are told, is
                                                socialized with poor communi-      future and that communication
          not successful until the receiver un-  cation skills or to communicate   is the soul of every interaction
          derstands the  intent of  the sender   with a self-preservation motive,   required to create a new Afrika.
          without any ambiguity whatsoever,
                                                it only follows  that many rela-
          so communication  must be clear
                                                tionships will have major com-
          and must  elicit the  response the
                                                munication challenges.
          sender expects, which is the original   As social  beings,  our  multiple
          intent of interface.                  relationships will require that we
          We can comfortably agree that
                                                intentionally  observe the com-
          communication makes the world go
                                                munication patterns of those we
          round. People must be able to pass
                                                are in relationships with so  as
          and receive information  for life to   to  ensure we  create communi-
          run a clean cycle. Whether it’s lan-  cation that is suitable  for each
          guage, signs, body language, tones
                                                unique relationship.
          etc., communication  is the soul  of
                                                Today many marriages, parent-
          relationships  as people  need  to
                                                ing,  business  and  other social
          consistently engage each other to     relationships  suffer because of
          ensure a successful lifespan of any   communication  gone wrong,
                                                verbal abuse and gender based
          Boys  who eventually become  men
                                                violence  are constantly being
          will find themselves always involved
                                                flared by communication issues.
          in one relationship  or the  other    The sad reality today is that the   Omooba Deji Irawo is a Multi-channel
          throughout their lifespan, from the   rise in depression, mental health   media executive with almost 3 de-
          immediate family to friends, author-                                     cades experience in the TV broadcast
                                                issues and suicide  in men is
          ity,  colleagues, wife, children, in-                                    industry, he is also a male resource
                                                clearly linked to men who find it
          laws, work place and many more.                                          person with focus on emotional male
                                                difficult to process pain internal-  dysfunction. He is involved in male
          However it is very interesting to note   ly, communicate their feelings
          many men struggle  with communi-      and emotions to  the  required     advocacy in collaboration with various
          cation in general. Traditional mascu-                                    men networks in Nigeria. Deji writes
                                                persons and lack the skills to en-  from Lagos, Nigeria.
          line ideology of raising boys carries
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