Page 35 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 35

RE- DEFINITION                                                                                   RE- DEFINITION

          above the mundane and  fool-       secrets and mysteries in God,      reconciliation comes.
          ish things of the world that mere   who then or what is the scroll    This is why the angels  asked
          men call manliness or woman-       itself?  The  answer is  simple.   “What is man that You are mind-
          hood.  They have  become the       We  are the  scroll in the  hand   ful of him, And the son of man
          flesh and bones of Jesus the true   of the Lamb, written within and   that You visit him?”
          Husband.  Ephesians  5:30‭-‬31     without, sealed with the seven     God intends to walk on the
          NKJV  says,  "For  we are mem-     seals (Seven Spirits of God) and   earth like  man, dance  on the
          bers of His body, of His flesh and   made ready to be revealed  on    earth, sing on the earth, eat on
          of His bones. “For this reason a   the earth in this season and age.   the earth, play with His family
          man shall leave his father and                                        of sons and daughters  on the
          mother and be joined to his wife,   In  conclusion, the minute  the   earth, tell us stories of how He
          and the two shall become one       mystery of  Adam dying before      created everything  from noth-
          flesh.”As against                  God in order to complete him       ing just like a grandfather  will
          Gen  2:23‭-‬24  "And  Adam  said:   as God’s image in the garden      gather his grandchildren around
          “This is now bone of my bones      failed, another mystery, which is   him, telling  them stories under
          And flesh of my flesh; She shall   the mystery of Jesus being the     the moon-lit night. God wants to
          be called Woman, Because she       first  born  among  the  dead  was   dwell  with us as His living  tab-
          was taken out  of  Man.”  There-   activated.                         ernacles. (See Revelation 21)
          fore a man shall leave his father   What God joined or put togeth-    This is what God joined togeth-
          and mother and be joined to his    er from before the foundation      er. Marriage, single-hood, or any
          wife, and they shall become one    of the earth is the mystery of     other thing that God mandates a
          flesh."                            godliness in which God comes,      man to do on earth is just a plat-
                                             dwells and manifests Himself in    form of bringing to manifestation
          LIVING SCROLLS                     man on earth. This is what He      that which God joined together.
          According to  scriptures, the in-  came to do in the cool of the day   So  for  those who are married,
          terest of God is not just the re-  in the garden with  Adam and       the  question is,  what aspect of
          demption of man alone back to      Eve, but they hid behind a tree.   what God joined together is your
          Himself, but also the release      This is what He wanted  to do      union manifesting?
          of  all creation from  the  futility   with Israel at the foot of Mount   And to the singles  or about to
          which He, God subjected it to in   Sinai, but they ran away.  This    marry,  the question remains,
          hope. Creation has been waiting    is also what He wanted to show     what aspect of what God joined
          in hope for the manifestation of   the  children of  Israel through   together has He given you to
          the Sons of God on the earth,      the shining  face of Moses, but    manifest for Him? Knowing the
          for God put the liberation of cre-  Moses covered his face with a     answer will set you and your
          ation in the liberty of the sons of   veil. This is what Jesus came to   marriage free.
          God. But the lives of the sons of   the earth to do, but he was re-
          God can only be effective to free   jected and killed by the Jews, a
          creation, to the degree to which   thing which fulfills the very plan
          they themselves are changed        of God. This is the same thing
          into the image and likeness  of    God has now determined to do
          God,  which was  the  plan  from   once more in this age. For there
          the beginning. See these scrip-    remains a rest for God’s people.
          tures for clarity. Romans 8:18-25   God’s rest in a man’s life is the
          (NKJV)                             manifestation of the mystery of
          Revelation 5:9-10 speaks of  a     godliness in which “Let Us make
          scroll in the hands  of God but    man in Our image and likeness”
          which He gave to the Lamb.         will now be fulfilled. This is what
          Of a truth, the scroll in the hand   God joined together and which
          of the Lamb contains hidden        no man or devil  can put asun-
          mysteries which have been          der. This is why Jesus was killed
          kept in God from before the be-    from  before the foundations of
          ginning  of time until now.  The   the earth, for God knew before
          question I asked myself then is    time that man will record lots of
          this. If the scroll contains hidden   failures  before  the  final  day  of

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