Page 40 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 40
Chioma Phillips
accination trac- the West. Also, while the vac- one could/would directly link the
es its roots to cine was given credit for stop- effect to the vaccine as a caus-
variolation, ping smallpox, some experts ative agent, but mounting evi-
which was a believe that quarantine and im- dence suggests that these vac-
Vprocess of in- proved hygiene measures may cines are causing more harm
fecting patients with a (hopeful- have played a greater role. than good in the lives that they
ly) mild form of smallpox (vari- It is from these beginnings that are meant to protect. Effects
ola) by blowing dried smallpox vaccines and vaccination then such as death (including SIDS
scabs into their nostrils to create took a global hold, expanding or cot death), disability, perma-
a barrier against a worse infec- into an availability of vaccines nent brain damage, moderate
tion. Variolation began in Asia, for almost anything under the or long-term seizures, infertili-
with evidence of the practice sun. These vaccines are then ty, deafness, autism, dementia,
being tracked as far back as the rolled out to populations across Parkinson’s, eczema, asthma,
10th Century AD in China. Vari- the world, with little or no testing paralysis, lupus, among other
olation was not perfect. Those and little or no consequences serious health issues are said
infected were known to trigger to the manufacturers. Leaving to be cropping up with alarming
epidemics, but it was also said those who have suffered ad- frequency, and the one common
that fewer people died among verse reactions from vaccines link is the vaccines.
those variolated than those who to flounder in confusion as med- What is causing the rise in deaths
were not. ical practitioners are unable to and chronic illnesses(some of
The practice later spread to oth- identify the causes of chronic which are experienced decades
er parts of the world, eventually ailments affecting them or their after the initial injection) are their
transforming into the practice family members… and leav- various ingredients which have
of injecting the body in the late ing the pharmaceutical industry been proven to be toxic to the
1700s. Epidemics were triggered greatly enriched from treatment human body. Ingredients such
through this method as well, of those side effects. as: aborted fetal tissue, mer-
people died from the vaccines However, in the last ten years cury, formaldehyde, aluminum,
that were being used. This trig- or more, greater push back has potassium chloride, among oth-
gered what may have been the been felt in the area of vaccina- ers. Aborted fetal tissue, for in-
first anti-vaccine protests in the tions, as parents the world over stance, is said to trigger autism,
1800s and those who refused are registering alarm at their with autism rates increasing af-
to give or receive the vaccines, negative effects on their chil- ter 1988 when manufacturers
risked losing their homes and dren and families. These were switched to the use of genetic
livelihoods – not unlike today in often overlooked before as no material from aborted babies. As
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