Page 41 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 41
if it wasn’t bad enough that ba- ‘vaccine shedding’. Children or emergencies/ten-threats-to-
bies are being aborted and we adults who have recently been global-health-in-2019). Saying,
being made party to abortions vaccinated are actually a threat in their words, not ours (we do
through vaccines, those in the to other people for a few weeks not use our mouths to proclaim
field of vaccines have chosen to and have even been known to death and claim pandemics or
use their tissues to culture vac- trigger disease outbreaks (this diseases or illness over lands
cines and inject them into other happened in 2019 in Ameri- or nations and in fact we can-
humans. Think about it this way, ca with outbreaks being traced cel all these in Jesus’ Most Holy
if a donated human organ re- back to the virus in the vaccines Name. Amen.):
quires a person to take anti-re- that people had been forced to “Here are 10 of the many is-
jection medication for the rest take). sues that will demand atten-
of their lives, then why would a What is most shocking is that, tion from WHO and health
scientist think that human DNA with all that is known, all that partners in 2019.
should find its way into millions has been experienced, instead Air pollution and climate
of humans across the world and of embracing prudence and tak- change: Non-communicable
then expect that there would be ing a step back to evaluate what diseases; Global influenza
no adverse effects? is really going on or what are the pandemic; Fragile and vulner-
The other ingredients used in causes of increased chronic dis- able settings; Anti-microbial
the manufacture of vaccines are eases globally, there is – instead resistance; Ebola and other
deemed unfit for human con- - a current and active push to- high-threat pathogens; Weak
sumption or can cause heart wards global MANDATORY vac- primary health care; Vaccine
failure. Some of these include cinations as well as attempts to hesitancy; Dengue; HIV”
ingredients such as mercury, not only minimize the voices of
aluminum and potassium chlo- those in opposition but to actual- (The list above does not include
ride. Yet these ingredients are ly ridicule and silence them. the descriptions that they gave
used in massive quantities in A growing global movement has per issue, you can see those at
new born babies, infants and begun to voice its objections to the link provided.) Under ‘Vac-
young children. Quantities that the use of vaccines and is facing cine hesitancy’, they say,
are tens of thousands of times increasing push back in some “Vaccine hesitancy – the re-
greater than the recommended countries like the US where luctance or refusal to vacci-
levels for use. policy makers in certain states nate despite the availability
These injections are being ad- have begun to retaliate by ban- of vaccines – threatens to
ministered to children in increas- ning unvaccinated children from reverse progress made in
ing quantities and combinations schools, refusing them medical tackling vaccine-preventable
over the years. Yet this doesn’t care unless their vaccine sched- diseases. Vaccination is one
apply to children alone. If you ules are up-to-date, and even of the most cost-effective
check the ingredients and side forcibly injecting children without ways of avoiding disease – it
effects of tetanus, flu and even parental authorization or remov- currently prevents 2-3 million
those yellow fever vaccines ing them from their parents’ care deaths a year, and a further
they keep insisting that you are in order to ensure that they get 1.5 million could be avoided
up to date on when you travel, their scheduled vaccinations. if global coverage of vaccina-
you would be horrified by what Some states are even fighting to tions improved.
you find. But I cannot remember remove vaccine exemptions on Measles, for example, has
one single time when I was ever the basis of health or religious seen a 30% increase in cas-
warned about the possible side reasons so as to ensure that all es globally. The reasons for
effects of the vaccines that I was their citizens receive these in- this rise are complex, and not
told I have no choice but to take. jections. all of these cases are due to
Can you? This issue reached the point vaccine hesitancy. Howev-
Not only that, but those vaccinat- where the World Health Orga- er, some countries that were
ed, similar to the days of variola- nization listed what they called close to eliminating the dis-
tion, have been known to spread ‘vaccine hesitancy’ as one of ease have seen a resurgence.
infections and even trigger out- their ten threats to global health The reasons why people
breaks through a process called in 2019 ( choose not to vaccinate are
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