Page 46 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 46

AFRIKA IS  GOD'S                                                                                                                                                                                                AFRIKA IS  GOD'S

          sense a subtle deception creep-    in Christ.  Simply put, they are   but  who  accepts  God  and  His
          ing  in which  is already  making   the antics of the enemy to subtly   worship, however demonic the
          waves. Various media persons       introduce the regime of the Anti-  mode of  worship to  Him might
          are talking about it in their  TV   christ while men still claim God   be. And the thought is that Jesus
          shows, interviews,  articles  and   as supreme. Satan has never       is the creation of the white man’s
          even in books. They are all be-    had  any issues with God as it     thinking.  I beg to say that it is
          ginning  to  ask  questions about   were, his problem has always      absolute nonsense.  First,  even
          the  Afrika that  was before the   been the Man Child  called Je-     though the white man may have
          white  man came with the reli-     sus the Christ or Yeshua if you    brought Christianity to Afrika as
          gion called Christianity.  Ques-   want to use the Hebrew name.       a religion, the Bible is not a col-
          tions like, how was the original   And the entire narrative  of the   lection of white men’s history or
          pre-christianity Afrikan  connect-  end time is about the true Christ   stories. Not at all. In fact there
          ing to God the supreme being       and the one who says he is also    is no single thing that refers to
          and creator like, without being    Christ – the Antichrist. The end   the white man in the Bible. It’s
          a Christian or follower of Christ.   time story is not necessarily  a   always been about the  fathers
          Valid questions I must say.  At    war between Yeshua  the Son of     who followed God through faith
          least to the intent of making us   God and Satan or his seed the      (Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac,
          have critical thinking about what   Antichrist, it is much more about   Jacob, Jesus and if you want to
          it means to be  Afrikan in con-    the war between Satan (the fiery   add, the Gentiles who are fellow
          nection with God the creator. I    red dragon) and the seed of the    heirs of salvation through faith.)
          find it quite disturbing however,   woman or if you want to put it in   And truth be told, all these Bib-
          that over time, people have now    another way, the sons of God in    lical fathers whose names I
          learned  how to accept God as      the  flesh  who  walk  however  in   mentioned above, all had strong
          supreme  but reject the Jesus      the Spirit. Satan and his seed the   ties with Egypt, Ethiopia,  Libya
          Christ He sent as an expression    Antichrist are already  defeated   which are all  Afrikan nations.
          of Himself on the earth.  They     by the dying of the Christ on the   Also, there must surely have
          based their argument on the        cross, so it’s clear against who   been ancient Afrikan fathers who
          theory that the bible  is a white   or they that this war is about. It   walked with the God of heaven
          man’s  religious book and  that    certainly is not between Satan     like Abraham, but whose names
          the Jesus of the Bible is a white   and God.                          are not written in the Bible. Even
          man’s Jesus who was imposed                                           Jesus who  was hidden  from
          on unsuspecting Afrikans. I have   The Jewish Yeshua ver-             Herod in Egypt as a Child was
          heard some come on social me-      sus the white Jesus                also killed in the spiritual Egypt
          dia saying things like there is no                                    (See Revelation 11:8).
          name for Jesus in the  Afrikan     narrative                          Jesus or Yeshua or the Christ is
          language  but there  are names     Subtlety has always  been the      not a religious concept, a tribal
          by which  God was called  by       weapon of the enemy of God’s       creation nor a tool for decep-
          ancient and not too ancient Af-    people, as already seen in the     tion or a chain for  slavery like
          rikans. Meaning, most people       way Eve was deceived  in the       the whites used it  against  the
          really don’t have any issues with   garden by the subtle sugges-      blacks. He is not. And come to
          God being  God, but the issue      tions of the serpent, the way the   think of it, historically, there is a
          is Jesus  being God.  I  am be-    white men deceived the Afrikan     strong connection between the
          ginning to hear many who also      fathers  with the “mirror for  dia-  Jewish Jesus and Afrika as both
          profess Christianity talk about    mond”  effect, "slaves  for iron"   a  geographical  entity  and as  a
          reincarnation, ancestor worship,   narrative.  And that  weapon is    people. The connection of Jesus
          the  African magical power  etc    still at work right now. The new   to  Afrika predates the coming
          and how that redefining Afrika's   Afrikan narrative of getting back   of Christianity to Afrika. Let me
          spirituality  means we must go     the original identity of Afrika and   share a few things that will help
          back to ancient traditions, some   Afrikans is stemming strongly      us redirect our minds to the re-
          of which are laced with demon      from a direction that tries to in-  ality of the Christ in the Afrikan
          worship in order to  be original   terpret an Afrika that  is without   spiritual story. I won’t necessar-
          as Afrikans. Sounds like a noble   Christ. Simply put, it’s making    ily use scriptural references, but
          idea, but a subtle one that direct-  rounds that the original  Afrika   you can do your own research.
          ly sets a man against God found    is that one which had no Jesus     From  historical antecedence,

          46   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika                                                                                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    47
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