Page 47 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 47
Adam who was the first man of the two witnesses is beyond animal.
was made in Afrika, popularly two men carrying the anointing 5.Do not steal.
known as the cradle of mankind, of Moses and Elijah showing up 6.Harness and channel the
Enoch the man who walked with in Israel. (See my article on the human libido.
God and who didn’t see death is Two Witnesses) So to accept 7.Establish courts of law and
historically known to be a black that the Jewish Yeshua is truly ensure justice in our world.
Ethiopian and was also regard- the son of God and then to say
ed as a Master of wisdom, Abra- there is an Afrika that is separat- These laws in themselves don’t
ham the father of faith is a black ed from this Jewish Yeshua is seem to have any harm, but look
Hebrew and also had strong absolute nonsense. For by an- at law number one in context
connections to Egypt through his tecedent, Jesus or Yeshua has and you will see the deception
wives Hagar and Keturah and always been Afrikan and has clearly. It interprets that God is
lived in Egypt, Joseph became a also lived in Afrika. supreme and that there is no
citizen of Egypt as a prime min- other God before him to be wor-
ister and his two sons are ba- The Noahide Laws shiped by man, just like the Ten
sically Egyptians (Afrikans) by Commandments. Looks noble
The coming of the man of sin
birth, it only takes about fifteen right? And mind you, this is also
also called the Antichrist or the
years for a person to be a citizen the narrative of the Islamic reli-
of another country in our day, so lawless one was prophesied gion which says that there is no
for the Children of Abraham to thousands of years ago. Inter- other God but Allah. But the evil
estingly however, that prophecy
have lived in Egypt (Afrika) for here is this; this law sees Ye-
is for now. I stumbled upon an
four hundred and thirty years shua as another God for which
article many years ago. Initial-
simple means they are Afrikans, men must be killed if they wor-
Yeshua (Jesus) was hidden from ly I didn’t have any issues with ship Him as God. This is one of
Herod as a Child in Egypt (Afri- the content of the article but lat- the antics of the anti-Christ and
er I began to see the deception
ka) in order to fulfill the prophe- which many are already taking
written clearly in the lines of its
cy that out of Egypt (Afrika) God up dangerous positions as to the
wordings. I can’t get you the ac-
called out His Son, the cross of place of Jesus the Christ in the
Jesus was carried for Him by Si- tual article I saw back then, but narrative of Afrika.
mon of Cyrene (Simon is an Af- I can mention what it was about.
It was about the coming Noa-
rikan from Libya) which is a pro- The resolve
hide Laws by which the global
phetic indication of the suffering I have personally resolved in
government wants to rule the
of Afrika for the sake of Christ my heart about my position in
and according to Revelation 11, nations for the Antichrist regime. this issue. Jesus or Yeshua is
Jesus was killed in the spiritual That document has seven laws the Son of God and He is also
written in it. In practical terms,
Egypt or Spiritual Afrika and be- God irrespective of what anyone
the Noahide Laws are laws God
cause He Himself said, “if I be thinks. He is not separated from
gave to Noah after the flood and
lifted up, I will draw all men to the Afrikan spiritual journey and
Myself”, it means Afrika is a ma- which the new world, which he the going back to Afrikan spiri-
jor spiritual hub in which Christ Noah began with his family was tuality is not a walk away from
to be guarded. They have, how-
will draw all men to Himself in Him, Christ, but an embrace of
ever, become the laws by which
this age of the end time. How do His heart and purpose for Afrika
the one world global agenda is
I know this? The cross which is which has been lost over time-
the instrument of His lifting was also to be ruled by. Below are a purpose which includes being
carried by an Afrikan and He, the seven Noahide Laws: the spiritual Afrika who carried
1.Do not profane God’s One-
Christ, was killed (Lifted on the His cross of suffering, being
ness in any way. Acknowledge
cross between the heavens and the Afrika where He was lifted
that there is a single God who
the earth) in the Spiritual Egypt up, being the Afrika where He
(Afrika). And because the story cares about what we are do- is drawing and will much more
of the two witnesses in Revela- ing and desires that we take draw all men to Himself and also
care of His world.
tion 11 also directly connects to where the reality of the Two Wit-
2.Do not curse your Creator.
the spiritual Egypt were the Lord nesses is revealed in real time-
3.Do not murder.
was killed, it means the reality The True Afrikanism.
4.Do not eat a limb of a living
46 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 47