Page 49 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 49

AFRIKONOMICS   didly and without apologies.  can has not, in the past, had the   Nyerere. He warned that “…since
  ECONOMY                                                                                               ECONOMY

 Theory Part 1   As does conventional economics,   opportunity to accumulate wealth   global capitalism had so little that
                                                                                was positive  to offer  Africa, he
        we stress human agency and au-
                                            and will therefore use the political
        tonomy.  Yet, unlike  mainstream
                                                                                be self-reliant”. He further warned
                                            while really not motivated by his
        economics, we are not shackled      platform as his means to wealth     added immediately: You have to
        by positive scientism and a nomi-   promise to serve the interests of   that the leadership  of the future
        nalist epistemology. We believe in   the majority. Having  come from    will  have to devise, try to carry
        a greatly enriched human nature     poverty to power, he us shack-      out policies of maximum national
        that takes morality seriously and   led by his past and releases him-   self-reliance  and maximum  col-
        that is consistent with human dig-  self through the accumulation of    lective self-reliance.  They  have
        nity.                               wealth that he hardly needs but     no other choice.
        Socially embedded economics         must have at all costs.             Immanuel Wallerstein, (Historical
        seeks unity in the forces of hu-                                        Capitalism and Capitalist Civilisa-
        man nature. We have a strong        Africa’s Indigenous                 tion, Verso Press, London, 2003)
        conviction that economic thinking                                       argues that individualism,  which
        and discourse cannot be carried                                         is one of the values of capitalism,
                                            The following are factors that give
        out in an ethical vacuum, and that                                      encourages the race of all against
                                            the  indigenous  in Africa its  sus-
        it is this explicit ethical foundation                                  all in a  particularly virulent  fash-
        which is so distinctive for socially   Firstly, a sense of community re-  ion, since it  legitimises this race
        embedded  economics as an al-                                           for  all of  mankind. `It  is thereby
                                            mains very strong.  The strong
        ternative to ordinary economics.                                        limitless. So individualism  is the
                                            sense of community among Afri-
        It is our mission to expose errors                                      spur of energy and initiative, and
                                            cans has important implications
        in the mainstream economics                                             it is also the limitless struggle of
                                            for development.
        and to offer a general framework                                        all  against all – whereby both
        with which to rebuild economics,                                        universalism  and racism/sexism
                                            Secondly,  the  role in the African
        including the theory of economic                                        emerge.
                                            economy of  the extended  fami-
        policy, on sounder ground.                                              Africa does not benefit from West-
                                            ly or household.  The household
        We must realize that what is called                                     ern capitalism  because  it has
                                            economy has not found much fa-
        ‘economics’, as it is taught in our   vour among the managers of de-    failed to emulate the West in how
        universities, is simply a reflection                                    to produce capital, and this is a
                                            velopment in Africa.
        of the economic experiences of                                          fact that has been proven beyond
        the White community, which in                                           any doubt.
                                            Thirdly,  it is the profoundly par-
        itself is an extension of the eco-                                      The idea  that all nations  should
                                            ticipative character of  African
        nomic experiences of developed      culture.  The development  effort   appropriate  Western capitalism
        Western countries. The challenge                                        through  emulation  hinges also
                                            has not come to terms with the
        for us in Africa, is to develop  a                                      on the assumption that it is only
                                            fact that Africans do not generally
        new economics, which shall be a                                         economic  system that humanity
                                            think of themselves as atomized
        reflection of the economic expe-                                        has ever known. An evolutionary
                                            beings in competition, rather their
        riences of the overwhelming ma-     consciousness runs in the direc-    approach to the appropriation of
        jority of society, the African peo-                                     Western capitalism is also based
                                            tion of belonging to an organic
        ple…Our economics must begin                                            on the assumption of the ahistor-
                                            social whole.
        with an accurate knowledge of                                           ical nature of such an economic
        the  situation and needs of  the                                        system.  Western capitalism was
        overwhelming majority of Africans   Western Capitalism &                not necessarily the result of nat-
        in rural and semi rural areas, and   Globalisation                      ural processes of economic evo-
        in the townships of urban areas.    The global  capitalist  system did   lution.
        Therefore,  Afrikonomics is  the    not, and does not, serve  Africa    The capitalism which took  root
        institutional  feature of post-inde-  well.  The subordination  of  Afri-  in  Africa was a form of stunted
        pendent  African governments  to    ca to global capitalism has to be   capitalism, which generated and
        deliver to the masses on one side,   stopped. Globalisation  has ad-    reproduced  a stunted politics
        with the emergence of an African    verse ramifications for the coun-   both in the marginalised  African
        cabal  in politics  and business    tries of the South, with the poor-  society and in its colonial leader-
        whose main concern is the accu-     est being the most badly affected.   ship.  This situation resulted into
        mulation of wealth on the other. It   This evolution  of globalization   an institutionalised greed. Greed
        is a result of the fact that the Afri-  and its negative  implications for   has  now  been  institutionalised
                                            Africa  was not  a  new one for

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