Page 54 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 54
competition and self-celebra- future indentured slave. It’s a value as He values, love as He
tion. It is fake and cannot be life-long investment. loves, live with Him as He lives.
sustained. It will fail. Ego is activated early and To exchange meaninglessness
Each successive business col- nurtured and sustained, as and futility, for meaning and
lapse and government bailout opposed to being gently and purpose.
serves to prove the futility and lovingly counseled away, be-
impossibility of the system that cause it is inherently self-serv- In the Garden of Eden or
man built. It is the greatest ing. It wants the praises of men, Kingdom of God, all needs are
ponzi scheme in the history of it pushes one to achieve and supplied, there is no toiling
mankind and keeps its victims gives one the drive to pursue or laboring, for one is at rest.
enthralled using cheap tricks and overcome hurdles so as to There is no buying or selling, for
and blinders. Its destiny is to go be seen as being something. each one has everything that
up in flames. Unfortunately, this pursuit of they need provided by the Lov-
self-glorification is what takes ing Father. There is no Ego be-
Ego in Business one away from God, from their cause it was submitted to death
The ‘don’t you know who I true nature and away from their by the individual, in exchange
am?’ syndrome is a symptom individual purpose and strength, for the Divine Nature, which
of pride that is inculcated by tragically even for the entirety is inherently Love. The false
achieving approved milestones of their lives. But it gives the scarcity that is so widely touted
in a manmade system and capitalist system the fuel that it by the world system is obliter-
being accorded the requisite needs to move their impossible ated by the absolute Truth of
accolades that are meant to creation ahead, moment by God and His abundance. There
satisfy the God-given need for moment and day by day. Ego is no lack. And thus, there is
growing from glory to glory and is what will allow a billionaire in no “Business as usual”, for the
from faith to faith. Titles lend dollar terms to deprive employ- usual business style that man
themselves to this process for ees of a living that is filled with has come to align with is noth-
the one who is firmly tuned into dignity and honor, in order to ing but a hoax and a system
the frequency of this world. One retain title and position in a sys- that will soon be washed away.
starts off as a junior clerk and tem that is full of flux. It is evil. We as Afrikans certainly need
‘works their way “up”’ from posi- to begin to redefine things for
tion to position until they reach ourselves outside of the clichés
somewhere that satisfies or Business is not so of what we were told things are.
offends. Of course if the offense much about buying If you care to know and if you
is to someone ‘more powerful’ and selling 'apples'. care to understand, Capital-
one faces the ‘consequences”. It’s about who does ism as a system that runs the
The reward process feeds them entire world is the real face of
with a false sense of achieve- it best and who they Babylon, which is the spirit of
ment, which is good for a time, managed to beat to it wickedness and spiritual for-
especially when it is peppered irrespective of how. nication. The true Afrikan who
with things like ‘long service’ has understanding of Afrika’s
awards and ‘employee of the indigenous knowledge knows
week or year or month’ awards that the principle of Ubuntu
God’s ‘Business’ which is “I am because you are”
and so on. It’s a system that
But God’s ‘business’ is to res- is the true business pattern that
needs laborers willing to put up
cue man from all this futility and will save man from himself both
with the futility for the long haul
so that it can sustain itself for from all meaningless pursuits. now and in the nearest future.
To expose the world’s value For certainly, we need a new
as long as possible. That’s the
system for what it is – a fraud way of doing business, far from
reason it is linked closely to the
– and to engage His creation in the corruption called Capitalism.
education system, because the
a return to the Garden of Eden,
process of indoctrination must
start early in order to fully be where tending and keeping His Be awakened!
purposes and His will is at the
able to conquer the mind of the
forefront of all that they do. To
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