Page 33 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 33

RE- DEFINITION                                                                                   RE- DEFINITION

                  here is that which God     forerunner  Jesus had  entered.    as it doesn’t have within it, an
                  put or joined together in   The things  or treasures behind   aspect of that which God joined
                  His mind from before the   the veil are not parcels or gifts of   together in Himself, is meaning-
          Tfoundation of the earth.          some sort that we receive from     less. You can quote me on this.
          It is not marriage as we think of   God after passing  through the
          the union between male and fe-     process of coming through the      MADE IN HIS IMAGE AND
          male, but the  coming together     veil (it’s really bloody you know)
          of eternal realities which were    but much more of what we be-
                                                                                God is King and His kingdom
          meant to be fully expressed        come behind the veil. What God     was from before the heavens
          upon  the earth, which  were       joined together from before the
                                                                                and the earth were formed or
          placed in the  union between a     foundation  of the earth; what
                                                                                even planned. God had a king-
          man and a woman. God some-         Christ was killed for from eternity
                                                                                dom with created spiritual be-
          times hides things, not because    and on the cross, and the reason
                                                                                ings, angels, and spirits as part
          they were meant to be hidden as    He sealed us with the Holy Spirit   of His kingdom from before time
          it were, but because in the mind   of Promise as Guarantee of our
                                                                                began. His kingdom was perfect
          of God there is an aggregation     inheritance until the redemption
                                                                                in all ways and all things worked
          of various strands of the same     of  the  purchased possession
                                                                                according to the dictates of the
          plan  that must come together      (see Ephesians 1:13-14), was
                                                                                counsel  of His mind.  However,
          to  create  a whole picture upon   for us to come boldly behind the   God the King of this kingdom
          the  earth.  Of  marriage and di-  veil and then become the image
                                                                                that was before time began had
          vorce,  Jesus said “What  God      and likeness of Christ, which is
                                                                                a need. In the midst of all the cre-
          has joined together, let no man    the completion of that which be-
                                                                                ated lights, the beauty and gran-
          put asunder.” We have used this    gan in Eden when man failed.
                                                                                deur of heaven, God still had a
          statement over and over again      God is returning in the cool of    space within Himself that poses
          within the context  of  marriage   the day, having taken us through
                                                                                as a need that only He can pro-
          in which it was spoken, but I do   the heat of the Sea of Glass Min-
                                                                                vide for Himself. God needed a
          believe it means more than that.   gled with the Fire for refinement,
                                                                                family. But in His heart, this fami-
          The  Apostle Paul most  know       to  finish  what  He  started  when
                                                                                ly would not be of angels, spiritu-
          something deeper when he said      He  said,  “Let us make  man  in   al beings around the throne or of
          of marriage “This is a great mys-  our image and in our likeness.”
                                                                                any among the  living creatures
          tery…”(Eph 5:32 NKJV)              It’s in the completion of this that
                                                                                in heaven, but this family would
          This article is not about mar-     Christ will finally have His Bride
                                                                                be made of Himself.
          riage  or weddings  or any form    and God will  have His family.
                                                                                Fast forward to the story of cre-
          of human union, but about how      It is the coming together of the   ation,  in  the  first  three  chap-
          God puts  things together from     royal family of God even as we
                                                                                ters of Genesis and we will see
          eternity and then bring humans,    are transported into the fullness
                                                                                something very important which
          male and females to bring such     of the third day expression of the
                                                                                points us directly to that which
          things to the physical plane. So   Mountain of the Lord’s House. It
                                                                                God joined together in Himself.
          for those who think that marriage   is  the day that  the  expression   Scripture says God made all
          is an ultimate goal after school-  ‘the cool of the day’ created by
                                                                                things from nothing, made an-
          ing or those who take their life’s   the lighted shadow of the pres-
                                                                                imals, trees,  lights and all we
          definition from whom they marry,   ence of God will  be manifest-
                                                                                see. But the need  of God was
          or how large and expensive their   ed in full over man. In this day,
                                                                                not necessarily all the various
          wedding ceremony was,  physi-      God will not just come once in a   things created first, but that for
          cal marriage has no “eternal val-  while, but He will dwell eternally
                                                                                which He created those things…
          ue” whatsoever in heaven. For      with us as a Father to a family.
                                                                                His family. God said to His Word
          even the Lord said, “In heaven,    This is what God joined togeth-
                                                                                and  His Spirit, “let Us create
          they neither marry nor are given   er and for which He brings male
                                                                                man in Our image and in Our
          in marriage.” Period.              and female together in marriage,   likeness...” Meaning, let Us put
                                             for them to live out an aspect of
                                                                                into being that which we had in
          BEHIND THE VEIL                    this eternal plan. Meaning that    mind before anything was start-
          Scripture speaks of entering       any marriage, no matter who the    ed. So God made man (male
          boldly behind the veil where the   Bishop is who joined it, as long
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