Page 29 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 29

AFRIKA IS  GOD'S                                                                                AFRIKA IS  GOD'S

          thinking. He begins to go beyond   question however is  this,  why    of  indigenous knowledge from
          what was taught in school, what    is Afrika still where she is even   Afrika, create an institution of
          was written in books and begins    with her many blessings? Why is    Afrikan knowledge where  this
          to have a real relationship with   Afrika still dependent on foreign   ancient  knowledge  can be put
          the Spirit of  God,  who  was      aid to run her government,         together,  reviewed, developed
          sent by God in Jesus to show,      economy  and development?          and  given  wings  to  fly  by  the
          teach, lead, and remind us of all   Why does Afrika think she needs   new generation of Afrikans. We
          Truth and with a ready comfort     foreign powers to thrive? Why is   can make anything happen in
          in case we get stuck along the     she still limited even in the midst   Afrika. So wake up  Afrikans…
          way.  Mind you,  Truth  here is    of plenty? Why does Afrika still   shake yourselves away from
          the physical, revelational and     give out  her  “diamonds”  for     the control of money and the so-
          faith expression  of the spiritual   worthless “mirrors”? Why does    called  funding  that are nothing
          reality of  God.  Meaning that,    Afrika freak out at the presence   but tools of  neo-colonization. A
          when a man begins to shift his     of foreign  powers?  Why do        cycle of life is about to end and
          thoughts  from this huge  matrix   fifty  five  heads  of  states  and   you are the last epoch of wisdom
          of  a  conscience-killing  maze of   governments from Afrika have to   that will guide this generation to
          ever chasing  after  worldliness,   go line up before one president   the fountain  of the life of God.
          and begins to connect aright       of China or one young man from     Life began  with you, oh  Afrika
          to  a  thinking mental plane;      France just to beg  for money      the cradle  of Humanity, went
          then by giving himself to divine   that enslaves  Afrikans  back      through various civilizations and
          relationship by the leading of the   home? How long  till we know     kingdoms  and has now come
          Spirit of God, he will begin to live   and realize that  we have been   back to  you,  who men rightly
          outside of this material world and   deceived to believe that without   called  the seventh continent.
          by that he will fulfill the words of   the West or Europe  we can’t   You are indeed the seventh and
          Christ, when He said, “They are    breathe. We  open our doors        you are perfect from the day you
          in this world but they are not of   to sick and demented foreign      were made.
          this world.”                       pharmaceutical  companies and
                                             death-mongering foundations to     There is life outside of this plane
          AFRIKA  COME  OUT  OF              bring in vaccinations and drugs    we know, do you dare to break
          THE MATRIX                         that kill our people more than     away  from  this  matrix  and  find
                                             they help them. How long till      out? The choice is YOURS.
          To say Afrika is blessed, is an
                                             we sit down as Afrikans, review
          understatement. I know this for
                                             our health history, get back the
          sure and the many people living
                                             blessings and the health found
          in Afrika also know it. Afrika is
          blessed with ancient wisdom        in indigenous  medicines that
                                             we have allowed foreigners  to
          and knowledge  that no other
                                             demonize before our very eyes.
          continent of the world can boast
                                             My heart longs for the day just one
          of. Afrika is blessed with natural
                                             head of state in Afrika will wake
          and human resources beyond
          any continent in the world. The    up, bring together custodians


          Let leaders of Afrikan nations bring together custodians of indigenous knowledge from  Afrika  found in their respective
          nations, create institutions of  Afrikan knowledge  where this ancient knowledge  can be put together,  reviewed,
          developed and given wings to fly by the new generation of Afrikans.

          Let them make policies that stop the demonizing of Indigenous knowledge and especially in the area of natural

          To Afrikans, please preserve, protect and regrow (and share) seeds, herbs, plants and trees that you know have
          healing properties.

      Together as Afrikans, we can create a healthy and prosperous Afrika. Share your SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS with us and
      we will publish them. Contact:

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