Page 26 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 26

AFRIKA IS  GOD'S                                                                                                                                                                                                AFRIKA IS  GOD'S

          lying down. The toguna, where      a vessel that made much noise.
          the men meet to parlay is the      These visitors are tied closely to
          head of the body. It is the most   the origin and creation beliefs of
          important building and is even     the Dogon. They are also con-
          the first building that is built in   nected to their spiritual practic-
          a village. Its roof is made of     es and renowned mask dances
          layers of millet representing the   that they carry out in various
          cliffs the plains and the plateau.   seasons.
          The Dogon structures also meet
          the requirement for balance and    Spirituality
          symmetry and come in a male
                                             Dogon priests are exclusively
          and female granary with elab-
                                             male and use a distinct lan-
          orate doors that have carvings
                                             guage that only they are al-
          representing each family's         lowed to learn. The priests wear
                                             or carry masks which are used
                                             for special ceremonies. The
          The Dogon practice circumci-
                                             Dogon communicate with the
          sion on both men and women.
                                             gods through a mixture of sacri-
          They say that men were born        fices, divination and purification
          with a dual nature and that re-
                                             rites. These are performed by
          moval of the foreskin eliminates
                                             Binu priests who are said to
          this duality, preserving the purer
                                             share a special relationship
          nature.  They view the clito-
                                             with the gods - and through the
          ris as a male organ and they       Hogon.
          remove it in its entirety during
          female circumcision.

          Knowledge of Astronomy              Editor's note
          The Dogon have confounded
          western astronomers with their      Many of the sources studied for this piece suggest that the western as-
          knowledge of the Sirius Star.       tronomers believe that the Dogon had some connection with Egyptians
          They revealed to French as-         at some point, explaining their understanding of complex astronomy,
          tronomers their knowledge that      but that to me sounds like another attempt to explain away knowledge
          Sirius is made up of three stars,   and understanding that Afrikans had that the white man could not ex-
          and that one of them revolves       plain. It seems to be a case of 'you don't seem good enough to know
          around the other in a cycle of      what you know, there must be another explanation that in our eyes
          fifty years. While the westerners   seems great enough'. And even at that, the ancient Egyptians are also
          say they have not found the         Black Afrikans. Whatever the case may be, it is necessary for Afrikans
          third star, they say it is impos-   to now carefully consider what they had before colonialism, present it
          sible that the Dogon could          before God and ask Him what He thinks instead of simply dismissing it
          have acquired this information      as backward or limited in some way. What do you say?
          without external assistance and
          support because the star is too     Dogon architecture  (A mosque)
          far to see with the naked eye.
          Not only that, the Dogon knew
          about Sirius B and its orbit
          around Sirius A thousands of
          years before western astrono-
          mers found out about it.

          The Dogon say that they re-
          ceived this information from vis-
          itors from Sirius, who arrived in

          26   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika                                                                                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    27
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