Page 21 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 21
when he did, my judgment on Mombasa to get away from ev- was scared with Wendo's preg-
myself started, "I have failed erything and everyone. Mark nancy; I was literally holding my
my husband. I have failed as a had to walk his journey, I had breath until I got to 26 weeks to
woman; I didn't bring him his first to walk mine. The curiosity of see if I could actually make it. I
child. I have failed my mother; I "Do You love me God? Why did think I only started enjoying the
didn't give her her first grand- You let this happen?" But it's the pregnancy once we crossed
child. My body failed me; it can- journey that totally introduced over. God kept telling me, "I'm
not carry a baby to term. I'm a me to God. Zoey brought God’s with you." I thought that when
failure." All the mistakes I made Life and Liberty to me big time. Wendo was born was when God
as a girl growing up came to I have a father who I met along was faithful, but I realized that
my mind: I had sex before mar- this journey. The first time I met perception of faithfulness was
riage, maybe the men I hurt or him, two weeks after her burial, warped. God was faithful even
the disobedience of my parents he was the only one bold enough with Zoey, His faithfulness is
or trying to take my life before to tell me what could only have steadfast, it doesn't change and
time... God was punishing me. come from the very heart of that's important for us to remem-
So many things came with that God. He said to me, "You're a ber.
death that have since had to be very selfish person. So she was
undone over time. brought to deal with this I, I, I. "Zoey, Stop fighting, we re-
With all this I, where does the lease you back to your Father,
Why, God? Holy Spirit have room to work we'll see you one day in heav-
A week later we buried her and in you?" Zoey had a process for en. Just let go, stop fighting.
God continued to be with us in every person who met her, for
special ways. On the day of her me, it was that selfish nature be- We love you. Amen."
burial, there was a document ing revealed and being broken
that was needed by the coroner down. The same father told me,
but Mark and I had forgotten it "One day, you'll give thanks for And then Aaron Taraja, Aaron
at home on our table. It was just her death." I thought 'you cannot is a leader, there's something
one more thing that seemed too be serious'... but I now genuine- about his life that straightens
much to deal with that day. We ly thank God for her death, be- things out and Taraja comes
went to the morgue, dressed her cause Zoey actually brought life. from kutarajia - 'hope', because
and put her in the casket togeth- there was a threat of him com-
er, we closed it ourselves. When You've since had two pre- ing out at the same gestation
we got to the gate, the coroner cious babies. as Zoey. I told God, “I'm hold-
ran up to us to tell us that he had Yes, we've had two more ba- ing on to you. You know what I
found the envelope! That enve- bies. We have Elianna Wendo can handle. As I lie here Papa
lope was moved from our house. Mwongela and Aaron Taraja I don't think I can handle an-
Truly God can never give you Mwongela. For those who are in other Zoey journey, please. I'm
more than you can handle. We our family, they'll note that none holding onto hope for this one."
know God did it for us that day. of our children have any names He came at full term. When he
We had a service, we sang and from either side of our families. came; his sugars were at one,
we sank. When she was put in There were cultures that needed so he was taken into the High
the ground, I realized she's not to be broken. For us, God broke Dependency Unit. There was
coming back and now I lost it. that starting from Zoey. Elianna just drama the first three days.
My friends tell me they will never means 'my God will answer’; So Taraja comes from that.
forget the wail that came out of Wendo means 'love', so 'my So having come through
me. I don't remember anything; God will answer in love.' And all these experiences,
I was beyond myself. I had just she truly is an answer and for what now?
buried my dad 8 months before anyone who has interacted with Zoey came, left and we were left
that, I was barely healing, then her, even me, she is just love. with a bill of 4.5million ($45,000)
now this had happened, the fear When Wendo came, I almost and everything was wiped out
of death came over me. Who felt like I had to prove a point, and a debt still to be paid. It
would go next? Mark and I ran that I can carry a baby to term. I was savings from the media,
away the next day and went to
20 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 21