Page 20 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 20

FAITH  STORIES                                                                                                                                                                                                   FAITH  STORIES

          Zoey and I in that moment, it's    "I don't know what's going on." I   ing and the numbers were go-
          the only photo we have of  the     remember looking up as a bird      ing up and down. Then a nurse
          three of us and it’s a precious    flew by and all I could hear was,   came and prayed, my mom says
          memory.  Then she was placed       "Stay  under the shadow of my      she put  tissue under my chin,
          back into the incubator. I couldn't   wings."  I was just like,  "God, I   apparently  I was crying,  but I
          leave. I thought that if I left, she   can't pray."  It's  like something   don't remember. And Mark came
          would  die. I prayed and said,     was drained  out of me, I re-      and told me, "Jean, you need to
          "Father, please, if You ever have   member I just sat and I just told   release  her." I remember look-
          to take this child, please don't let   God, "Have Your way, I'm tired.   ing at him and I didn't know what
          me get a call - I don't think I can   Father, Your will be done, I'm so   'release'  meant. He said, "You
          handle a call. Let me be here."    tired."  Then  in  the  reflection  in   need  to  let  go,  she's  fighting
          And He honored that.               the window, I saw Mark coming,     because  of you. Release her."
                                             and I knew. He came and told       Mark  looked at  me  and I  just
          True Liberty                       me, "We need to stand with her,    told him, "I can't pray, you pray."
          Three days later on the 1st of     she's not doing well." He tells me   I remember he thanked Zoey
          June, 2012, that's the day peo-    I started crying. I remember go-   for coming and he told God,
          ple are celebrating Madaraka       ing in and looking at her and she   "We  don't  understand why  You
          Day, liberty. Liberty was coming   flat lined. Mark tells me there's a   brought  her into our lives but
          for me, but not in the form that I   way I cried and I shouted, "Bag   maybe  one  day  You  will  let us
          thought. I remember waking up      her!" So the nurse came and        see it." And he told Zoey, "Stop
          that morning and I was feeling a   bagged  her, but I noted it was    fighting, we release you back to
          certain way, it was like a know-   just the bag giving her fake life.   your Father, we'll  see you one
          ing that something was going to    The numbers came back, but I       day in heaven. Just let go, stop
          happen.  There was a wedding       felt, 'why am I forcing her? This   fighting. We love you. Amen." As
          on Mark's side of the family and   small human being...' I felt bad, I   soon as  Mark  said  Amen,  she
          we felt to make an appearance,     felt selfish. Mark and I looked at   stopped and she was very calm.
          but while we were there I felt to   each other, we didn't even talk,   We watched the numbers com-
          go to the hospital. I  told Mark,   and we just said, "Stop."  The    ing down and I felt the life leave
          we need to  go  to  the hospital.   nurse asked us, "Are you sure?"   her, her body became limp and
          He said, "They have not called",   I told her, "Stop and just give    she went. Even after I felt her
          I said, "We need to go." Now I     her to me the way she is." They    leave I  was still thinking, "No,
          know it was the Holy Spirit. As    stopped while she was still alive,   this child  can still come back."
          soon as  we entered the  NICU      and I quickly stripped and they    And the nurses came and told
          the doctors told us, "Zoey was     put  her  on my  chest  and I  just   us, "Jean and Mark, we need to
          unstable   earlier, she was up     held her and rocked her.           take the baby and call it." They
          and down, but now she's settled.   Somehow my  mom had gotten         couldn't do it while she was on
          Just go see her." As I walked into   the same inkling from where she   me or they would  have regis-
          the NICU, I knew she was going     was and she and my aunty and       tered my heartbeat.
          that day. I couldn't tell Mark.    stepdad came and I think Mark      When they  pulled her off  my
          Mark was on the other side of      sang.  All I  remember is I  was   skin, that's  when I  felt  death.  I
          the incubator, something  we       rocking  throughout  and  looking   told them, "Just wipe  her, and
          had done for 63 days. We used      at the numbers. I couldn't pray    remove all those things you put
          to place our hands on the incu-    but I was praying for a miracle.   on her, wrap her up and give her
          bator and just pray over her and   Something could still happen.      to me the way she was born." In
          maybe  sing and  I just told him   But the doctors had told us that   my head there was a picture of
          I needed to take a walk to pray    they had pushed her lung capac-    the bundle  of joy  they bring  to
          and that I'd  be coming back.      ity to the point where  her  right   you... they did that, the only dif-
          He said, "Ok." I wasn't going to   lung had pushed into the space     ference is I got the bundle, but
          pray,  I  was defeated that day,   of the left. Zoey's doctor was so   with no life. I unwrapped her and
          but there was a strength that      affected, she told me, "I can't be   looked  at  her  for  the  first  time;
          I got. I was seated at a place     here. Jean, I'm so sorry, we tried   she was tiny. Zoey was born at
          I used  to like sitting, it had big   everything. We love Zoey." And   880gms and she died at 1.4kgs.
          windows and light. I said to God,   she left. I kept feeling Zoey jerk-  In that moment, Mark broke and

          20   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika                                                                                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    21
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