Page 22 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 22
the events company, wiped out my, yes, she loves butterflies so same, but we don't have the ave-
in two months. It was like every- much and she loves red, yellow nues to share them. The problems
thing was wiped clean, so I had and orange, but she doesn't like are similar but we keep looking for
nothing to lean back on, except green, she doesn't like green at solutions outside. God wants to use
God. And we never went hungry. all." I was just like "She doesn't this very place that man has called
You know, sometimes I sit with like green? Wendo, how do you 'dark' to bring light. The most pow-
Mark and we're like, "How did know all these things?" And she erful way to tell stories is media but
we do it?" looked at me with such a matter- media has its people and He is look-
Now, stepping into anything, of-fact face and she said, "Jesus ing for a new crew to take over. I am
there is a pause before doing showed me, I was with Him in one of them. “I AM Africa” is like a
any of it. I became more cog- Heaven, He showed me." And mother under which He wants to
nizant of God. I became more she continued coloring the but- allow people to come and tell their
aware that He is there and that terflies that she had seen and stories of Africa rising, to show that
He really wants my attention. Af- the next thing she asked me, we can be a self-sustaining conti-
ter the Zoey journey, Mark and "Mommy can I watch cartoons?" nent.
I got seriously tested; our mar- And that thing ended. There's
riage has never been the same. a way these children are used, Any words for women go-
The whole experience opened they are pure in heart and we're ing through what you have
my eyes to a lot of things, be- told the pure in heart see God. gone through?
cause even before Zoey died, So for me I'm just like, “Thank
My word to women is you're not de-
we watched four babies die, You for that journey”.
fined by becoming a Mrs. or becom-
Zoey was the fifth. It exposed
ing a mother, but by God. Can you
me to a lot, the pain of the wom- A New Crew
an, the man, the whole birthing On Zoey's birthdate, two years actually pause, just take a moment
experience, pregnancy. It creat- ago, I realized that God was and try figure out: “Who am I? Why
ed in me a heart for women and nudging me to let me know that am I here? Is there more to me than
men, having walked with Mark it was time to tell her story. I what I'm doing? If you lost your po-
through it. There was financial started telling her story online as sition or marriage, would you lose
and emotional tension, men and part of a 'Health and Wellness your identity? If you lost your chil-
women grieve differently, so in Him' series on YouTube and dren, would you lose your identity?”
respecting one another's pro- I connected with so many wom- If the things around you are defining
cesses. Not a lot of people un- en. People would write back you then there's actually a problem,
derstood what we were going and share what they were going but once you understand who you
through so there was also pre- through. It opened up a journey are in God, then you can truly walk
tense, trying to keep it 'pretty' for of healing for me and for other in liberty.
the in-laws and friends and all. women and also offered warn-
ings to doctors who think they
Zoey doesn't like green know and they do not know and
butterflies they should calm down and be
When Wendo was three, go- humble and let people ask ques-
ing on four, she woke up from tions, there's nothing wrong with
her afternoon nap and told me, asking questions.
"Mommy, do you know my sis- After the 8th episode, there was
ter, Zoey, loves butterflies?" I a pause and a transition and
felt the Holy Spirit tell me, "Calm God said to me that He wanted
down." Mark and I had already to get me back into media and I
told her about Zoey, because kept hearing "I AM Africa." I AM
we didn't want her to hear it - who is God, who wants to rest
from anyone else. I asked her, on Africa and use the continent
"Zoey?" She said, "Yeah, my big to tell stories. I got to travel to
sister in heaven." I asked her, Rwanda and then Nigeria and
"Butterflies?" She said, "Mom- later on South Africa and I re-
alized our stories are just the
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