Page 62 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 62

WALKING  LOVE                                                                                                                                                                                                    WALKING  LOVE

          Yes! That is it. But now, de-      aid in Africa?                     erating Africa.
          pendency on foreign aid has        They see, recognize and ac-
          just blinded us to the solution.   knowledge that the solution for    Would you say Africa has
          They’ve made us not to appre-      Africa is in Africa, but they try   gained anything from their
          ciate what we have so we don’t     not to express it so that we will   intervention?
          believe that the solution is here.  not know that it’s here. There    The key lessons learnt. Gener-
                                             is no future, per se, in these     ally Africa has lost much more
          You have to do certain             donors giving us funding, so       than they have gained. What
          portions of the project            they are gradually withdrawing     they have been doing over the
          before donors give the             the aid and coming into Africa     years is data mining using the
          money. So you already did          as investors; the new donor        local people so as to set their
                                             language is co-investor. Be-       next agenda. They have been
          the work anyway with the
                                             cause of their disposition over    able to understand African soci-
          local community, which
                                             the years through these direct     ety well. Until we cut ourselves
          means you’re able to go to
                                             interventions that they give as    off, disconnecting from that
          the donors and say keep            handouts or money in the form      mindset of foreign aid, we will
          your money, I don’t want to        of empowerment, they have          not go anywhere. We will just
          do this anymore with you           been able to change the psyche     remain in that place of perpetu-
          and to go back to the local        of Africans to see them as good    al dependency on the west and
          community and say see              people. So now when they           the rest of the world. Have you
          how far we’ve come, let’s          come in it’s very easy for them    ever wondered why they pay
          continue.                          to go to a particular commu-       premium price for organic food
          Exactly!                           nity and the local community       and why they prefer African
          However, members of these          gives them land for free that      grown food and even the fish
          communities need a reorienta-      has certain resources and our      from own coastal body taste
          tion; they need to stop waiting    people are not aware, because      better than theirs?
          for aid. Due to the age long       they have created the enabling
          aid, members of local commu-       environment for themselves to      How do we bring positive,
          nities who are beneficiaries       come and do business.              genuine transformation to
          are becoming more and lazier       I would recommend that Africa      our people in Africa?
          because they believe nonprofit     should begin to appreciate what    Africans need to start to learn
          organizations will always assist   she has. One of the things God     how to appreciate their own
          them.                              has been highlighting to me is     and to be contented with what
                                             value addition, so if you have a   we have, that’s the only way
                                             little thing, think about how you   we can start the transformation
          In your opinion what’s the         can add value to it, that’s the    journey. Also, Africans need to
                                             future of sustaining and accel-    set their own terms of engage-
          future of development and
                                                                                ment with the West and the rest
                                                                                of the world. It’s just like the co-
                                                                                lonial story to hear that Africans
                                                                                will give out ivory and raw mate-
                                                                                rials to collect mirror and gin.
                                                                                That’s what’s happening right
                                                                                now, it’s like selling off your
                                                                                birthright. So until you begin to
                                                                                shed those things that don’t re-
                                                                                ally make sense, transformation
                                                                                will not happen. Transformation
                                                                                begins with Africa reshaping Af-
                                                                                rica and the resources in Africa.

          62   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika                                                                                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    63
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