Page 63 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 63

          matatu crashing every day and      at the end of December 2014, I     erything you want in that  box;
          no one is making enough noise      was just like, “You know what? I   you’re pitching next Friday.” And
          about it. And they die from caus-  can’t do this anymore.” So, I left.   she did and we pitched the idea
          es like sepsis, hemorrhage, ob-    In 2015 we went through loss,      to Shiko, five of us sitting on the
          structed labor and these deaths    our brother passed away and        floor of her living room. Therein
          are  preventable.  Also  you  find   we lost our father-in-law. When   began  the  Toto Care Box sto-
          we lose about 40,000 newborns      you go through loss it just re-    ry and Shiko just catalyzed it,
          due to preventable causes as       jigs you and you realize  what     she was like a little explosive!
          well, like malaria, neonatal sep-  actually matters in this life. 2015   [Laughs]
          sis, cord infections and diarrheal   was a blur for all of us; we were
          diseases.                          all in a pit. Maybe that was the   Lucy: She said, “We’re going to
          I shared it with Angie and I was   threshing  floor,  because  I  think   register it now, we’re going to do
          like, “I read this thing about this   that’s where God found all of us.   focus groups…” That’s what we
          box,  we need one here!”  And      So 2016 is when I met up with      did, we  jump-started  the  whole
          she was like, “Oh it sounds like   Jacky. We had been  students       process of registration, we got
          a fascinating thing.” And we kind   at the Manchester University of   the box with the things that we
          of just left it on the shelf and con-  Pharmacy together and then she   thought that mothers would
          tinued selling meat and cookies!   left, but I continued.  We were    need - our target was that lady
          [Laughs]                           tired of  just doling medicines    in Marich  - and we  held  focus
                                             out to people. I had experienced   groups with some moms. Jacky
          Angela: I’d been in the UK for     that in the UK and I think she     is such a connector for how Toto
          about 16 years with my  family     had seen it for herself. We both   Care Box  worked because  she
          and in 2012 we relocated. Since    didn’t  want  to just keep  giving   used  to work at Dream  Center
          I’d studied Pharmacy, I  came      out  medicine and people were      in Langata, which supports HIV
          back and started the intern pro-   getting sicker instead of better.   positive  moms from Kibra area
          gram with the government.  For     So our first initiative was to start   from the very low  economic
          two years I worked for the gov-    a lifestyle consulting outfit, which   groups. So we got a group of
          ernment in Kiambu, and it  was     we registered and then the day     27 women and we had a box
          eye-opening; I learnt a lot about   we were supposed to meet our      with maternity pads, a  book,
          our healthcare  system.  Devo-     lawyer, I told Jacky about Lucy’s   baby clothes and the things we
          lution had just happened, and I    idea  about  Toto Care  Box and    thought that they would need.
          think the Counties were trying to   then she said, “You know who      They told us  to  take out  the
          just figure out how health works   needs to  hear  about this?  Shi-  book, include soap, water guard
          and so I spent a lot of time as a   ko!” [Jacky’s sister, Catherine   and a leso (cotton wrapper) for
          Pharmacist telling people there    Wanjiku  Mueke, who  is a Dou-     the new mom. Community par-
          was no medicine in the Pharma-     la, works in maternal health and   ticipation  is very important in
          cy… and that was just soul-de-     is also a fellow Trustee at Toto   an intervention. We had focus
          stroying. My husband  said,        Care Box Africa]. I called Wam-    group  discussions  with other
          “Why don’t you just leave this     bui; I remember those words, I     health professionals, ex-nurses,
          job? Why not just quit?” I said,   said, “Your life will never be the   midwives, pediatricians and we
          “Quit and do what?” But one day    same again! Get a box. Put ev-     were good to go. Our mom gave
                                                                                us the first donation for five box-

                                                                                Jacky:  I  think 2015 as  Angie
                                                                                said was such a threshing time
                                                                                for  all of  us.  2016, joining Toto
                                                                                Care Box gave me my life back.

                                                                                All: All of us.

                                                                              In the photo from left to right:
                                                                              Regan, Jacqueline Wairimu Gachihi, Hel-
                                                                              en Wanja Kariuki, Angela Gakenia Kavi-
                                                                              la-Kwinga, Elizabeth Kirumba andLucy
                                                                               heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |                                          Wambui Kaigutha.           63
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