Page 65 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 65
out a very needy area, partner ternative to the box. nally come, three years later.
with a health facility with good We came back with the box and
quality maternal newborn health the basket and we made our Do you guys have any plans
services, and we plug the box presentation to the ‘big’ NGO to expand your scope outside
program into their ante-natal funders but we didn’t win. Af- of Kenya?
care program so we don’t rein- ter that, the basket idea was
vent the wheel. When a mom shelved for a little while and it Angela: We would love to. We
comes for a routine ante-natal stayed in the office. presented to a friend of ours
care visit – and she has to at- who has a link to Tanzania, we
tend four such visits – she’s Angela: Shortly after this, I have had queries from Bangla-
trained on the use of the box thought about how my baby had desh, but we wanted to perfect
and once she delivers she gets used a Moses Basket in the UK and get the model right here be-
a Toto Care Box. After receiving and I thought there’s no one ac- fore we did that.
the box we have a project co- tually doing this in Kenya (i.e.
ordinator who does home visits beautifully trimmed baby bas- Lucy: We’ve had talks with
because the post-natal period is kets on a wooden stand). So Johnson & Johnson, I’ve talked
a very critical period for mothers we partnered with Mrembo Af- to a lady in Cameroon and we’ve
and newborns and we run the rica and they came up with the had the British Baby Box who
risk of losing them during this concept of trimming the basket wanted to support us. We’ve
time as well, so we go check on and mattress with Ankara fab- had queries from Angola and
how the new mom is doing and ric. I then got my carpenter and Uganda as well. The impact has
if the baby is ok, if they are us- gave him a picture off Instagram been amazing. We’ve worked
ing the boxes and the items well to make some stands. The first with Lengo, improved ante-na-
and if there are any issues. We one couldn’t fold, but we didn’t tal care visits by 100%. We’ve
try and give holistic care for the give up. Eventually we came up had women come from as far as
mothers and babies. with this and we called it the Toto Mombasa and Moyale to do the
There was always a huge ques- Care Kapu, which we sell to a four clinic visits, deliver and get
tion about sustainability and different demographic of mums the box.
funding. One grant we were and every basket we sell pro- We’re learning as we go and
pitching for that we wanted to vides for a Toto Box, because it has become also a stig-
win was for Turkana County. we want to be sustainable. We ma-breaker in terms of teen-
They have a high mortality rate, haven’t sold that many baskets age pregnancy, so the girls are
almost as high as South Sudan. because the demand is a bit coming in early because they
We went to Turkana to really skewed. realize they might as well go for
understand their needs and see But this year, because of the the four, deliver and get the box.
the county health facilities, be- traction the box is getting, we’ve Our mission is to preserve and
cause that’s where we wanted had a few clinics approach us protect the health and welfare of
the box to go. But the box wasn’t because they want to raise their newborn babies. There are so
well received. Some thought ante natal facility uptake and many interventions for pregnant
it was a coffin others said live- they want to buy boxes from us moms and infants but no one is
stock would eat the box and so and want us to teach their wom- really taking care of the newborn
we said we needed to contextu- en. So our sustainability has fi- and that’s where Toto Care Box
alize it to the needs. We visited fills the niche.
a Catholic Church and they had
a crafts shop and they had one
of these – points to the baby
baskets on display – so we said
imagine using that and putting
different items in it from the box.
We did this, covered it with the
net and talked to a couple of
moms and they said they would
be happy to have those as an al- heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 65