Page 69 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 69
been factored into the national
able and included health, education, military and infrastructure. Sec-
budget, and no one took respon-
ondly, because Afrika remains an extractive industry for the world,
sibility. Those in need were left as was the imperialists’ intention during the strategic withdrawal of
trying to source blood through
forces that Afrika has called independence. The west just wanted
goodwill on social media.
enough calm to continue their exploitation of the continent. We now
• The daughter of Angola’s
call it Foreign Direct Investment, where advantage is given to out-
former president Jose Eduardo
siders rather than our own. Third, because the oppressors still have
dos Santos, said to be Afrika’s their ‘inside men’ in Afrika who are ready and willing to collaborate
richest woman was this year
with them to trade our bodies and souls in exchange for money and
charged with money launder-
power. The best thing for Afrika is to cut off this supply that keeps its
ing and mismanagement during
people in subjugation to everyone and go back to older, wiser paths.
her tenure at Sonangol. She is
accused of using her father’s
influence to steal millions of dol- SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS
lars from Angola and stashing it
Revisit the recommendations made by Kwame Nkrumah re-
• Son of Senegal’s former
garding the consolidation of Afrika's strengths socially, econom-
president Abdoulaye Wade was
arrested in 2013 under inves- ically and militarily but not through a western lens. Use the last
60 years' of experience with the western lens to know what to
tigation for whether his wealth
prepare for, but draw on indigenous knowledge to build a whole
was acquired illegally during his
new Afrika.
father’s rule. He was released in
• In 2017, the VP and el- Transform Afrika's political, agricultural, health and education
system in order to incorporate what we had and practiced before
dest son of the president of
colonialism. Of a truth these modern practices have done Afrika
Equatorial Guinea Teodoro
harm and we must be sincere in facing it. Current rulership sys-
Nguema Obiang was convict-
tems are selfish and greedy and self-promoting instead of being
ed, in absentia, of embezzling
tens of millions of euro from his about the common good. Modern education inculcates aspects
that demolish our spiritual selves, health, agriculture and food
government and laundering the
preparation are contrary to our benefit and weaken us. It's time
money in France.
to retrace our steps to permaculture, community centered lead-
ership and true health and healing, not profit-oriented pursuits.
I put it to you that aid as an idea
of funding development in Afri-
Let us live within our means. Debt is such an obvious trap and
ka never stood a chance. First
we have seen and experienced the worst of it in the past 60
and foremost, because Afrika
years. Let us resolve to live within our means and pay off what
was never backward or unde-
we owe to who we owe. Let us teach our people to manage their
veloped, they were just told they
were and they accepted this as resources as it is obvious that using debt to grow is not working
for us. We have people coming to either lay claim to our physical
true and chose not to chart their
assets or gain other advantage over us putting us exactly where
own course. Yet the reality of
we were 60 years ago.
Afrika’s progressiveness was
remarked upon by Lord Macau-
lay to the British Parliament 85
years ago. Development is a for-
eign concept based on a foreign
standard of achievement imple-
mented in a manner foreign to
Afrika. Afrika’s rich culture and
society guaranteed growth and
advancement in harmony with
their environment at a pace that
made sense and was sustain- heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 69