Page 72 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 72


          small contracts and the little that   near a huge mound of trash, the   (US$ 95) per month, in a slum.
          I get goes towards sustaining      photo will sell.  Now they  have   Will a parent who earns maybe
          ShutterfilmFoundation,    while    put this face out in the world that   KES  20,000 (US$200) be  able
          other  funds  go towards  meet-    Kibra  is a very dirty place.  I’ve   to pay his or her rent and also
          ing personal needs. Our friends    had some friends who come and      pay fees for his child?  They’re
          also  support us from time to      they say they want to tour Kibra,   making things too expensive for
          time. Sometimes I go knocking      so I take them to my village and   the youth in Kibra to afford, so
          on doors to ask for financial sup-  they say this is not the Kibra    they can’t rise up.
          port.                              that everyone knows. So I take
          Our purpose, mainly, is to be      them  to  the  place that  people   There’s been a lot of fund-
          able to train Afrikan youths to be   are usually taken to and say to   ing  from overseas  for Ki-
          able to tell our own stories. There   them, this is also Kibra - the dif-  bra, what do you think the
          have been many documentaries       ference is the standard of living   problem is, because it’s like
          made about Kibra, but they nev-    and sometimes that standard is     the funding does not reflect
          er tell positive stories, they al-  a choice.
                                                                                in the place?
          ways focus on negative  things.    The other big problem we face
                                                                                I read some statistics that were
          Trust me, crime is everywhere      is in terms of artists’ self-inter-
                                                                                saying we have about five hun-
          in the world, poverty is every-    est;  some see a  growing pho-
          where; lack of hygiene is every-   tographer, and then try to kill his   dred and eleven organizations
          where. This is a global problem.   dreams, wanting to be the only     in Kibra alone. That means this
                                                                                is a business. To me, there’s no
          You can’t just say Kibra is a dirty   photographer in the area, it’s all
                                                                                country that  can grow or can
          place. The problem is that when    about self-interest. Most photog-
                                                                                sustain  itself through  donors.
          people come to Kenya they are      raphers  in Kibra hate competi-
          usually taken to a very specific   tion, but it’s not about compe-    There are some organizations
          part of Kibra. Kibra is very big   tition it’s  about today I’m  alive,   that are in Kibra that are doing
                                                                                nothing. Kibra is a hub for some
          and encompasses a lot of areas.    tomorrow I might not be there.
                                                                                greedy individuals to earn from.
          Why just come to a certain vil-    No one is guaranteed tomorrow.
                                                                                The  international media also
          lage and say that’s Kibra? That    You as  a photographer,  when
          was a problem  for artists who     you die, what will you have left?   benefit in some ways. In 2013,
          came before me as well. For the    Will you have mentored some-       there was a crisis in Kibra, there
                                                                                was an international  pressman
          photographers  in Kibra it’s  all   one  who  can  fill  your  position?
                                                                                who gave a citizen money to go
          about business. They don’t think   That’s the mentality lacking in
                                                                                and buy petrol to start a fire so
          about the community. They say      most artists in our slum.
          to themselves that if they take a   There  is  also  a  film  school  in   that they could get a story to tell
          photo of a child who is playing    Kibra that’s charging KES 9500     outside there. Akon said, ‘It’s a

                                                                                         SHUTTERFILMFOUNDATION  NUBIAN PROJECT
          72   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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