Page 76 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 76


                    his decade has begun     for instance, these attacks have   ital of Britain is inhabited  by a
                    with a  growing air of   come most frequently from those    collection  of culturally colorful
                    frenetic activity that   within  the world of learning as   characters  – from gun  runners
          Thas engulfed Britain’s            well as the mass media corpus      to  pill poppers;  erotic dancers
          capital, London, triggered  per-   who uphold the misplaced claim     to  exotic  chancers;  Yardies  to
          haps by the growth in volume       that White is right and Black is   bent coppers.  However  in the
          and acceptability of xenophobic    wrong.  These media  clusters,     present  context, London  also
          discourses on migration, and on    appear to agree with one of Brit-  represents a place where,  ac-
          foreign nationals including refu-  ain’s foremost cultural  scholars   cording to Zambian scholar and
          gees in social and print media.    Paul Gilroy’s hitherto hypothet-   UN’s special rapporteur Profes-
          Needless to say, British politics   ical proposition that  ‘race is an   sor Tendayi Achiume, “structural
          has for decades been infused       unhelpful  fiction  best  set  aside   racism is still an everyday reality
          with hostility to migrants, with   and kept out of respectable pol-   for black people”. Considering
          both left and right governments    itics’.                            that 44 % of London's 8.6 million
          pushing scapegoating narra-        Of  late in British dailies,  there   people come from an ethnic mi-
          tives. The ructions in Westmin-    has been an increase in the        nority, this remains worrying, to
          ster at the end of January 2020    number of articles written mostly   say the least.
          when  Britain  finally  exited  the   by senior political advisors  and   Professor Achiume  pointed  out
          European Union took on historic    former policy makers that are      further that “the environment
          proportions that saw the British   calling for the re-colonization of   leading  up to the referendum,
          pound fall as well as a rapid rise   Africa all over again. Proponents   the environment during the ref-
          of death threats to ethnic mi-     of this view rightly  appreciate   erendum,  and  the environment
          norities, all the while politicians   that a new form of colonial dom-  after the referendum has made
          have continued to quote poetry     ination is being instituted as part   racial and ethnic minorities more
          with a Powellian racial inflection.   of a heavily militarized globaliza-  vulnerable  to racial  discrimina-
          On the same note,and not to my     tion process. However, they are    tion and intolerance”. Achiume’s
          surprise, while ethnic minorities   wrong both when they fail to rec-  report noted that across  the
          make up 14% of Britain’s popula-   ognise that the ambiguities and    board, black workers in Britain
          tion, a sizeable number of black   defects of past colonial relations
          people  amounting  to 73%in to-    persist and when they fail to
          tal, voted for Britain to remain   appreciate  that those enduring
          in the EU, as did 67%of Asian      consequences of empire are di-
          voters.  The  figure  was  53%  of   rectly implicated in creating and
          whites who voted in favor of Brit-  amplifying  many of the current
          ain  to leave  the EU. Since the   societal problems succumbing
          UK’s  exit  was  finally  approved   Britain today.
          by  the  EU in  January,  it’s  safe
          to  say that  as  far  as race,  cul-  Singing Myself Up
          ture and justice are concerned,    In this brief polemical note, us-
          things appear murkier than ever.   ing Afrikology’s conceptual lens,
          For  me,the  recent past  has      I want to try and Sing Myself Up
          seen me more concerned with        as I engage the age old question
          quarrels,  battles,  conflicts  and   of race and culture in relation to
          at times controversies concern-    justice albeit in a post-Brexit en-
          ing African people in Africa and   vironment which I find more rep-
          elsewhere in the diaspora. More    resentative of an emerging new
          specifically, I have found myself   form of racism.
          actively engaged in opposing       My intention  starts from a van-
          those who attack  Africans  and    tage point partially situated
          attempt to belittle or deny the    at home and partially  thinking
          value and importance of  Afri-     about  contemporary  represen-
          cans to humanity. In today’s Brit-  tations of Blackness in London.
          ain, under the aegis of  Brexit,   London, need I say, as the cap-

          76   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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