Page 79 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 79


          Blackness in London to survive in an     flection.
          atmosphere of outright hostility and in
          which they are not respected because     In his insightful final article, he made an emotional tribute to his
          of their racial origin. The hostility has a   late mother, whom he described as having inspired his hawk-
          long term objective of causing the vic-  eyed political outlook reflected in his brilliant column for The
          tims to become hostile towards them-     Guardian. Younge went on to sign off his column by describ-
          selves. In  other  words, the  objective   ing the toxic Brexit situation in United Kingdom as a dispirit-
          is to reduce  the African immigrant  to   ing time. “With racism, cynicism and intolerance on the rise,
          something “other” than them “self,” or   wages stagnant and faith that progressive change is possible
          the so called masters.                   declining even as resistance grows”.He argued that although
          To counter this destructive objective,   things looked bleak and the propensity to despair appeared
          Afrikology therefore calls for the need   strong, it should not be indulged.
          for  Africans  to  redefine  their  world,   For me, more importantly underlying Younge’s final word is the
          which  can enable  them to advance       conjecture that individuals and human kind stands to flourish
          their self-understanding and the world   more humanely by their understanding of each other’s worlds.
          around them based on their cosmolo-      Younge seems to rightly suggest that by clearly seeing how
          gies. The process of re-awakening and    others express themselves, and through responding by finding
          recovery has to be one of a historical   appropriate landmarks within ourselves, a greater self-under-
          deconstruction, consciousness-raising    standing will be realized. But, having said that, the fundamental
          and restatement not in the way others    question for me still remains: why should these anxieties over
          have argued, but by Africans tracing     post-Brexit Britain be the black man’s burden all over again?
          the origins and achievements of their
          civilizations with a view to developing
          new knowledge  production  based  on
          African lived experiences in this global

          Consciousness Raising  and  Self
          Writer Gary Younge who wrote his last
          column on 10thJanuary 2020for  The
          Guardian newspaper where he served
          as a staff writer for more than 26 years
          having done more to raise conscious-
          ness and understanding  of everyday
          race, politics and culture in the UK.
          In his final article, he revealed that he
          was taking up a much deserved new
          assignment as professor of sociology
          at the University of Manchester. Over
          the years, the quality of Younge’s ar-
          guments in his column were compre-
          hensive and convincing, they gave us
          all a healthy human understanding.
          In my view, the picture that emerged
          from his Guardian account is one of an
          integral, responsible  and responsive
          human knower. As a counterweight to
          everyday prejudice in Britain, Younge’s      Ronald Elly Wanda is a transdisciplinary
          students at Manchester are bound to         fellow and executive director of Grundtvig
          benefit from him by learning first and
          foremost that all judgments especially        Africa House based in Nairobi, Kenya.
          of a racial nature require serious re-    

                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    79
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