Page 81 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 81


          that  particular person and you    So, if they do not show up for     In the prophecy of the promised
          are responsible for letting them   work or if they take your money    Messiah in Isaiah 9:6, the proph-
          know whether you approve of        and use it for projects that fail,   et says, ‘and the government will
          their choices or not.              or if they choose to steal that    be upon His shoulder’… do you
          It’s not some great mystery.       money, or put you in debt, they    know what the One Person Who
          That you see them fly overhead     have stolen from you or wasted     was given all authority upon His
          in some helicopter,  using your    your resources on some fool’s      coming to earth did with the au-
          money to  do so,  doesn’t make     errand,  rather than spending      thority He had been given? He
          them God.  There is only ONE       what you entrusted to them for     washed feet. He walked around
          God.  And it  is  not  them.  That   your good. You don’t have to be   in the hot dusty, rocky climate
          you hear  their sirens  and  see   earning a lot of money and pay-    to serve the people. He healed,
          their security men and women       ing some form of income tax to     delivered.  He served. He sac-
          flashing walkie talkies and guns   be a government salary payer.      rificed.  Yes,  the  One  Who  was
          around  telling  you to move be-   You get to decide and assess       sent to save us did so by service
          cause someone ‘more import-        them to see whether or not they    and sacrifice. Did you know that
          ant’ is passing, doesn’t make it   are doing a job that is worth the   the word Minister means to care
          so. They too were born by the      salary you are paying  them. It    for, to tend, to nurse, to look af-
          act  of  copulation by  man and    doesn’t matter whether they are    ter? Minister is a term of service
          woman and they too had  their      still  in  office  or  not.  You  don’t   not domination. The magi came
          rear ends wiped because they       have to wait for their term to     looking  for a king, remember?
          used to poo on themselves.         expire before you review their     What type of king did you see in
          It is very important  for you to   working conditions. For those of   Jesus? Fancy  houses and pal-
          gain the right perspective about   you who have been  employed,       aces all around the world? Fast
          what those people  are. Why?       your employer doesn’t wait for     cars and tinted windows? Body
          Because if you fear them, then     you to work for 50 years before    guards and food testers? Si-
          you have lost your voice. If you   they decide whether you’re do-     rens announcing His presence?
          honor them  as  gods, then you     ing a good job or not. No! They    Hoarding of all the finances for
          have given  them your worship      know  that they are spending       the ministry to  make Himself
          and authority over you to deter-   money on you and they  want        fat? Or did you see One with no
          mine how you live and die. But if   to make sure that you are de-     place to lay His head? Or God
          you remember that you made a       livering  against your promises.   in a mere man’s body, Who al-
          choice, believing that they would   So why allow  non-performers      lowed His bum to be wiped as
          do right by you,  then you  can    and wicked people who come         a baby? Allowed  Himself  to be
          hold them to account.              to ruin your life to stay in posi-  spat on, whipped, judged wrong-
          Keep  in mind  that every  single   tions of power? Why bow down      ly and killed for the sake of the
          visit to a supermarket,  or pay-   to another human who goes to       very ones who killed Him?
          ment you make via mobile mon-      the toilet just like you do? Does   It is important that we turn our
          ey, or bus  or plane  ticket you   it make sense?                     thinkers back on as a continent.
          buy, or liter of petrol you pay                                       And very fast.
          for, or item you import or export   In some European countries, the
          has a fee charged  on top of it    leaders of the government take
          that goes to the government in     buses  and  trains  with  the pub-
          the form of tax. Meaning that,     lic. They walk along  the street.   Chioma
          whether  you  are  employed  or    No heavy presence of securi-        Phillips is
          not, engaged in business or not,   ty surrounding them as if when      the
          a registered voter or not,  you    they took oath of office they sud-  editor  of
          are paying  money to the men       denly turned to gold that some-     msingi
          and women who shout loudly on      one could steal. In the Ukraine,    afrika maga-
          TV or drive through your neigh-    those who do not perform are        zine.
          borhood every few years asking     even literally thrown in the trash.   editor@
          you to put them in those chairs.   They know who they represent.       msingiafri-
          YOU are paying them. They do       And it is not themselves.           kamagazine.
          not pay themselves.

                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    81
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