Page 83 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 83


          didn't remember He created,        about who owns copyrights of       more drugs, more alcohol, more
          do remember that millions of       songs, melodies and beats. Sin-    fancy toys called cars, more
          Afrikan children are dying of      cerely in my own opinion, I real-  beef between each other.
          malnutrition, women are being      ly don't see the wisdom in that.   The question I want to ask is
          subjected to all forms of abuse    What really is the big deal about   this, will heaven fall down if you
          and hardship, death mongering      your Afrikan brother or sister     Mr. Superstar organize a free
          foreign companies and NGO's        using your music beat, melody,     no-music conference where
          are busy injecting millions of     song or even video concept?        Afrikans within your range of
          Afrikan girls with death and       I may be wrong in my opinion,      influence can sit and talk about
          disease causing vaccines?          but I think it's just a mindset    the many issues in Afrika and
          Right under your unresponsive      of lack that says there is not     how to solve them? Most of you
          watch, things are happening        enough to go round. But the        have access to the presidency
          that can alter the very destiny    Afrika that I know is not that of   of your nations, mega CEO's
          of Afrikans negatively into the    lack, it is that of abundance. Af-  in your countries, but what do
          future. Our people need infor-     rikans certainly don't need such   you do with such access ex-
          mation and directions about the    unnecessary fights. We have        cept take mindless selfies, get
          things that are going on in our    loads of things on our plates to   positions and endorsements for
          world and you happen to have       find solutions for and fighting    more money to continue fueling
          huge fan bases from where you      among ourselves is nothing but     your irresponsible lifestyles? Of
          can reach out to them not just     a huge distraction. As a singer,   what use really is your stardom
          with your music or movies, but     song-writer, and content creator   if it doesn’t give light and direc-
          with the much needed accurate      myself, let me ask you: where      tion to anyone? Or are you not
          information. Remember, you         do songs, tunes, poems, music,     aware that sailors use the po-
          are not a star or celebrity be-    melody, video concepts, arts       sitions of the stars to navigate
          cause you are able to celebrate    come from? You think it comes      the massive ocean?  When will
          yourself and neither were you      from you? You must be joking       you look yourself in the mirror
          born with stardom or fame like a   to think they come from your       and realize that you being in
          crown on your head. Time and       brains. All good and perfect gifts   the position of a celebrity is not
          the goodness of God happened       come from heaven, just as rain     for your own selfish gain but to
          to you. For without the people     falls from heaven to both the      be a positive influence to those
          who buy your music, movies;        good and the bad. So no one        that look up to you for direction.
          those who buy your concert         can really lay claim to creativity   And if you cannot do reach-
          tickets and make you enough        when they don’t even know or       out conferences or community
          money to get a life, you will just   control where it comes from.     work, you can at least live your
          be one of the many numbers                                            life in ways that the next gener-
          on the dusty streets looking       Real issues demand real            ation can have something good
          for how to get the next meal.      responses                          to emulate. You owe that much
          I know many of you will say        If there is any crop of people     to the next generation.
          you too rose from those dusty      that have become the worst         Remember this, stars do fade
          streets through hard work and      forms of influence for our young   and stardom does end. But
          resilience, and I do appreciate    adults and even children, it is    while you still have time, do
          that. But how is it that you for-  those that are in the spotlight    something meaningful with
          got so soon the very dusty road    either because they are music      yourselves.
          you were raised from and then      or movie celebrities or in other   Be responsible for the lifting of
          turned your back on the things     professions. Meaning that there    Afrikans and just maybe poster-
          that matter for the emancipation   are things that will not change    ity will remember you for some-
          of Afrika?                         until those with influence get     thing good.
                                             involved to make such chang-
          The foolishness of fighting        es. Celebrities can't keep going   Shalom.
          each other                         about running after the things
          I read about some artistes, pro-   that fulfill just their weird egos
          ducers etc fighting themselves     and nasty desires; more sex,

                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    83
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