Page 74 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 74
whereby the government has
frustrated the parents to a point
where they just think of how they
can get money, pay rent and buy
food. They are not thinking of
how they can mold their daugh-
ter or son to be someone import-
ant in this community. We are in
a system where we struggle to
survive. You don’t live to live,
you just live to survive. origin. The Nubians have been
scattered everywhere in East
What do you think are the Africa, West Africa and Chad.
solutions to the problems Kenyan Nubians were fighters
in Kibra? for the British; that’s how they
The government should think came to this country. After the
key to understanding who they
first of the most important things war, they remained in Kenya in
are and where they’re from. That
that its citizens should get. You the area called Kibra which was
was our purpose in trying to do
can be employed, but at the end a forest. Kibra means ‘forest’.
this and we decided to start with
of the day you end up in the bar. The Nubians, historically, didn’t
the Nubian people, who have
We need to create initiatives live alone. They welcomed peo-
such a rich history. We want
that are training the youth and ple and always lived in towns.
them to be recognized as a Ken-
molding children from school Living together with others was
yan tribe.
and guiding them – providing one of their ways of being able
The first phase of the Nubian
basic information they need. to survive. At the time Kibra was
project involves photography
These technical skills are things a very large area, so they wel-
and documentation of historical
we are supposed to identify in comed people from many com-
information about them. We are
primary schools. I believe, if munities to live with them.
working directly with the local
we stop ignoring these issues Some people say to or about
Nubian community, speaking
that will be the turning point of them that they are from Sudan
with elders, finding out about
bringing in change for Kibra. and they need to go back to Su-
their culture, food, clothing and
For the young girls, we need to dan, yet other communities are
other aspects so that we can
teach the parents how to live being recognized as Kenyans.
share this with the world. Even-
with their children. We need to We are all Afrikans. Bantus are
tually, we would like to do a mas-
start an initiative where peo- from the Congo but we don’t tell
sive film project that traces their
ple gather together and speak them to go back to the Congo.
journey from Ancient Egypt to
about their lives. Once you The Nubians have lived here for
the present day. That’s some-
speak then you’re in a position more than 100 years; they have
thing that will come in time.
to make things right. Once you a right to be recognized.
don’t speak, you get frustrated, I wanted to tell their story and I
you’re then in a position to do started by searching for Nubian
something negative. history online, but what I found Quick facts about Kibra:
was shallow. It’s not a history • The largest slum in Afrika
Tell us about the Nubian that is written by the Nubians and one of the largest in
Project. themselves or an Afrikan. That’s the world
We are Afrikans and we have Af- when I decided to create this • Home to about a million
rikans all over the world, some project. It is meant to create a • Seventy percent of the
of whom have never stepped platform where Afrikans all over population in Kibera are
into Afrika or don’t know their the world can know their origins; children
origin. You can find someone in particularly for people who real- • Kibera is currently called
the UK calling themselves a Nu- ly understand the importance of Kibra
bian, but they don’t know their knowing their background as a • Kibra is in the city of
Nairobi, Kenya.
74 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika