Page 71 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 71


          which  I regretted very much. Later I  to be drawn to young boys who  cohorts stick together and
          found out that my partner in the produc-  have money, but these boys are  work together to create
          tion company was trying to cheat me out  getting money through crime. It  projects and they  also at-
          of money, so I stepped away from that  was sad to see 20 or 30 people  tend subsequent training
          company and from film and photography  who I knew by name who were  sessions.  We have  a stu-
          altogether. I decided to focus on playing  suddenly  no more.  That’s why  dent on internship at one
          soccer. I was supposed to join PSG Un-    at ShutterfilmFoundation we de- of the TV stations; we are
          der21, but I had an injury, so I was out.  cided we were taking anyone in,  hoping he gets a job. Most
                                                    whether they were school drop- of our students have  at-
          Please  tell  us  about  Shutterfilm-     outs or whether they stopped at  tended a film master class
          Foundation, when it was founded           Class 8.                         with Robert Munuku and
          and why it was founded                    The skills we teach are technical  others are called  on set
          On August 22nd 2018, Hashim Musta-        skills that they can use; photog- with Imor  (of  Artivhub) to
          fah Aljab, my co-founder and I decided    raphy and film making. We man- gain some experience.
          to open a film school that would benefit   aged to train at least 70 youths  Our students haven’t been
          the  whole community.  What  motivated    in a period of  one year.  We’re  paying a fee but we want
          me to do this was in 2016, in a period    just trying  to help  them under- to find a way to sustain the
          of 8 months, 112 youths lost their lives   stand that life is not just about  small projects for the stu-
          in Kibra; five of them were young girls.   going to school and that even if  dents and now in our ap-
          They              were shot dead in a     they fail, their lives aren’t over;  plication  form we say our
                            crime sweep. We         they can still do something that  commitment fee is KES
                           have a high rate of      can change their lives. We tell  2500  (US$ 25) which  is
                     unemployment, drug use,        them that failing school should  payable  in  installments,
                         we have a big number       not be the reason to get in- because after every co-
                              of  school drop-      volved in crime and other neg- hort we go on a retreat
                               outs  due to  lack   ative things in their community;  with them to see what they
                               of school fees and   that they need to be in a position  have gained  in the three
                                we have so many     where they can use their skill to  month sessions. We also
                                girls     getting   bring something home to their  want them to understand
                                pregnant, some      families.                        that they have paid for it
                                of them while                                        and therefore to  value it.
                                still in primary  Once they leave, what hap-         Our  aim,  long term,  is  to
                                school.    Why?     pens?                            bring them to the stage
                                Young girls who  They don’t leave. With each         where they can do their
                                are looking for a  successive  cohort we are get-    own film projects.
                                way to  get sani-   ting people  who are genuinely
                                tary towels tend  interested in the  craft,  not  just   How do you fund it?
                                                    coming for the sake of it. These   Most of the time I get some

                                     BRIAN (YASSIN)


                                     KENYAN CINEMATOGRAPHER & CEO OF

                                         SHUTTERFILMFOUNDATION, KIBRA.

                                                        Msingi Afrika Team

                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    71
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