Page 58 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 58

means to pour out of that which    mind towards Uganda and the        Uganda and especially the
          is already given.  This pouring    women of  Uganda will make         women that they will find libera-
          out is spoken  of in these con-    sense with time. One thing how-    tion from whatever limitations
          texts  “out  of  his  heart  will  flow   ever stands out even as I write   are holding  them.  Of  course at
          rivers of  living water” and  also   these words. I had not connect-  that time in 2017, we had no
          “become in him a  fountain of      ed it before now. That is, when    clue that this time would  come
          water springing up into everlast-  the  Apostle Paul wrote about      where God would again target
          ing life.” Meaning that just as the   the washing by the water of the   the women for both spiritual and
          woman  at the well  left her pot   word of God in Ephesians 5:26,     physical emancipation.
          of natural water  (religion,  tradi-  he was talking about that in con-
          tions of men, natural limitations   text of Jesus the Husband of the   Words to Ugandan
          etc.) in John 4:28, so must those   Church loving and washing His
          who will be “out pourers” of the   wife with the water of the word of
                                                                                “Let the women of Uganda drop
          Spirit of God leave their pots of   God, that He might present her    their pots of slavery and limita-
          religion, traditions of  men  and   to  Himself  a  glorious Church,
                                                                                tions and let loose  their  spiri-
          every natural limitations behind   not having spot or wrinkle or any
                                                                                tual wombs for the reality of the
          and be true carriers of the word   such thing, but that she should
                                                                                fountain  of  life  to  flow  in  their
          of the Spirit of God and by that   be holy  and  without blemish.
                                                                                land.  The beauty of Uganda  is
          make changes on the earth.         This certainly makes sense as it   not  with the  men,  even though
          Uganda must arise for this real-   relates to the truth that the wom-
                                                                                they are also great, it is with the
          ity even in this day and time.     en of Uganda are God’s target at
                                                                                women  whose  lives  will  deter-
                                             this time and season.
                                                                                mine the next move of the Spirit
          The  rise of  Ugandan                                                 and the emancipation of  the
          women                              Uganda  is a beloved  nation in    land of Uganda. The next gen-
          We stayed in Kampala for about     the hand of God just as every      eration of politics will be head-
                                             nation in Afrika is loved by Him.
          ten days or so. Within that time                                      ed  by the women.  The women
                                             There  is a great deal  of both
          we had enough time to literally                                       of Uganda will arise as shining
                                             spiritual  and physical  oppres-
          go around the seven hills of                                          lights of the Lord in that land.
                                             sion in that land but that chain of
          Kampala  praying  for the nation                                      Their lives will no longer be hid-
          of Uganda.  There was a long-      oppression will be broken.         den behind the traditions of men
                                             I  remember  the  first  time  we
          ing in the heart of the Father to                                     that  put  them  down. Counsel
                                             made a trip to Uganda in 2017
          reach out to the women of Ugan-                                       from the Lord will find them and
                                             with two of  our brothers.  We
          da and that became one of the                                         their voices will speak wisdom
                                             drove from Nairobi to Kampala.
          major prayers we made. It is the                                      with clarity and boldness that
          joy of the Father to visit Uganda   On that trip, we visited the Ugan-  will shut the mouths of the en-
                                             da Independence Monument in
          as a nation but the women are                                         emies of the Lord in Uganda.
                                             Kampala. It certainly was an un-
          His major target. I must say can-                                     The Lord has come to bless the
                                             usual statue of  a woman lifting
          didly that this word of the Lord                                      women of Uganda. Their wombs
                                             up a child to the sky. I found the
          concerning Uganda is specially                                        will give birth to the realities of
          targeting the  Ugandan women.      image quite curious because the    God and their mouths, filled with
                                             woman who was lifting the child
          They are the ones carrying the                                        the water of the word of God will
                                             was  wrapped  in some  drapes
          wombs that will birth the reality                                     be opened to speak forth the
                                             that reminded my wife of burial
          of the water of the word of God                                       thoughts and the mind of God
                                             cloths. Yes there are quite a few
          over that nation. Sincerely I know                                    concerning  Uganda. No longer
          next to nothing about the social   different meanings to that statue   shall their lights be dimmed, for
                                             you will find online. But to us, we
          status of the women in Uganda                                         the Lord has broken the chains
                                             could see that it depict a Uganda
          apart from  the few words God                                         of brass and a release has gone
                                             where the women, even as they
          gave me for them and which are                                        forth from Him upon the land of
                                             fight hard to lift up the next gen-
          written in the next section. So I                                     Uganda.”
          may not be able to tell you that   eration to God, they themselves
                                             are wrapped with the clothes of
          God decided to target the wom-                                        God bless the people of Uganda
                                             limitations. (See photo above).
          en of Uganda because of such                                          and God bless Afrika.
                                             Right there as we took photos
          and such thing that happened.
                                             of that statue, we prayed  over
          But I do believe, somehow, His
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