Page 53 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 53
was because of your person- just get you’! paint or repair it yourself, you
al preference that you made a 4. Price: Probably the sneakiest would probably save a lot more
choice in a purchase? Common of them all. Price can lead you and you’d have the guarantee
tools and strategies used to do believe that what you want is that the work was safe and high
this are: better than the competing brand quality. Now you’re contending
1. Color: Color is a powerful because it’s more expensive. with aflatoxins, painted meat,
associative tool. You have been That’s why some businesses planned obsolescence (that’s
trained from childhood to think of will never lower the prices of where the manufacturer has
certain colors as being predomi- their products, even when oth- programmed a fail date into the
nantly male or female in nature. ers in the same category are do- product they sold you so that
You have also been taught that ing it. They want to manipulate you can make another purchase
certain colors are related to pas- you into believing that theirs is in two years), overpriced veg-
sion, others to comfort. Others more special somehow. Funny, etables (but they’re organic!),
have a positive or a negative in- you would think that it was the poisoned products and conmen.
ference. Now, without a word, all discounts that did it, right? But they have a fancy name and
I have to do is flash a color on These tools apply to Consul- color you love and the guy/lady
a screen or use it in association tants, petroleum companies, in the advert is just so gorgeous.
with my product to get your mind banks, governments (selling Some years back I saw a study
to link my brand with whatever visas), clothing and alcohol in which it was revealed in a
you have in your subconscious brands, events, musicians, vid- blind taste test people ranked
concerning that color. Easy. eo games, fast food outlets – wine that wasn’t a well known
2. Sound: A deep male voice, you name it. All of them are the brand higher in quality than the
again due to social condition- same. They appeal to your emo- well-known branded product.
ing is associated with mascu- tions and your ego and that’s You must have heard about this
linity and sexuality and is used how they get you to give them one. But it makes you feel good
to lure unsuspecting females your money for something you or think you’re better than oth-
and males to purchase don’t need. ers and that’s why you pay for
certain products or Truth be it and that’s how you help sus-
services. The females told, if you tain a system that’s basically
want a man that’s strong could grow one huge con game that is not
and masculine and the it in your good for your health or econo-
men want to be that man garden, my. Pride and emotions. Pride
that draws the females. The knit or elevates you above others in
same is true of a ‘sensual’ stitch it, your mind and emotions move
female voice; just switch the you to take action. It could even
roles/desires around. When be for a good cause, help-
it comes to sounds, certain ing the orphan babies
sounds are associated with fear, go to school. That’s how
affluence, elegance and power. the donor industry (yes,
It doesn’t take long for the mind industry) grew in Afri-
to make the connections and if ka, by moving people’s
brands use these in tandem with emotions to give money
images, voila, you are hooked for decades to a problem
subconsciously to believe their that never seemed to end:
brand offers these values or pro- “Oh those hopeless Afrikans
tection from the negatives. who can’t help themselves.”
3. Music: Your favorite or a pop- That was you and your family
ular song used in association and friends they were referring
with an advertising campaign to in their adverts.
is used to make you more Which brings me to the point
amenable towards certain you may not be aware of; the
products and services. You truth about what the actual prod-
‘just feel a connection’ uct or service is. In all of this, the
with the brand, ‘like they heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 53