Page 52 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 52



            You are the Product

                              CHIOMA PHILLIPS

                 ear of Missing Out? Just    es that want their money. I am      that you can be seen by people
                 have to have it? Just       deadly serious. You don’t need      who don’t care about you be-
                 have to be there? That’s    margarine, but  you were  con-      cause the guy who branded the
         FMY style?                          vinced to buy it by someone who     event gave it an intrinsic value
          Honey,  you’ve been played!!!      wanted to make some money off       that  made you believe that  it
          Yes, you. Yes, seriously!          you – not so that they could pay    would be important to your social
          Come closer, let’s talk.           their staff, but so that they could   standing to be there. Yes, I am
          Most of the stuff you buy, you     buy stuff they don’t need. How      even talking about a networking
          actually don’t need.  A need is    did they  manage to  convince       event where all the ‘who’s who’
          a requirement, a necessity…  a     you that you cannot do without      were present. Did you ever won-
          something  you cannot  do with-    hydrogenated vegetable oil that     der what made them part of the
          out. Like oxygen. Not another      may  not  be  nutritionally  benefi-  ‘who’s who’ or a ‘trend-setter’ or
          pair of shoes. Or a ticket to an   cial for you? This wonderful tool   why you believe that’s even a
          exclusive  event. Or the latest    called  branding.  Actually, it’s   thing?
          whatever. Need is food. Not piz-   more like they manipulated your     What is branding? It is the pro-
          za. Something to sustain you       emotions to get you to do what      cess of creating perceived value
          and give you the  nutrition, im-   they wanted.                        to make the target (did you know
          munity and strength required       How? They appealed to some-         that a target is a military term?
          for whatever task is at hand. In-  thing  that is inside  of you that   But I digress again.) … to make
          cluding preventing or recovering   either wants to fit in and be ac-   the target form an association in
          from an illness.  Need  is water.   cepted  or wants to protect or     their mind, that causes them to
          Not the most  expensive bottle     help your family or save money      be  loyal  to the item that is be-
          of  wine.  Something to  hydrate   … or your favorite song or col-     ing branded. Kind of like training
          your body, to ensure  proper       or. Yes it’s that easy. Just check   a dog. Dogs believe  you offer
          and effective cell function  and   what’s  on your shelves in the      something  of value and they
          cleansing of your system. Food     house and tell me I’m lying. You    offer you their loyalty. It seems
          and  water you  can even do        bought  that stuff on a whim  or    mean, but just pause and think
          without for a period of time. It’s   because you saw an advertise-     about it  before you react.  (Oh
          called fasting. It helps you mas-  ment or somebody you look up        and I’m not the first to use a dog
          ter self. Fasting has even been    to is using it. The last time you   as a teaching reference, Some-
          deemed healthy. Hmm, I guess       grabbed  a slice  of bread  (that   one much greater than me led
          God knew what He was doing all     you also don’t need) and ate it     the way in that.)
          along. But, I digress.             with peanut butter  or  plain, but   How do they get you to form an
          The majority of people on earth    without margarine, did you die?     association in your mind that
          spend their money on items that    No. How do I know? You’re read-     is so powerful that it accesses
          they do not actually need be-      ing this sentence. So, no, it’s not   your  subconscious  and  influ-
          cause they have been manipu-       a need.                             ences your choices at the level
          lated into doing so by business-   You want to go for an event so      where  you  believe  firmly  that  it

          52   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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