Page 49 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 49


 AFRIKONOMICS   elites in our society purely irra-  avarice  and  frugality  is unclear   to engage them into a dialogue

 Theory Part 2   tional expenditure is commonly   in Africa,  because saving mon-  that can lead to better knowl-
                                             ey, for instance, could be taken
                                                                                edge for all. It  recognizes  peo-
          practiced. It is still characteristic
                                             as an excuse for refusing to offer
          of  a  few  of  the  fossilized rem-
                                                                                ple’s traditions as a fundamen-
          nants of our aristocracy. Homo     necessary assistance to others.    tal pillar in the creation of such
          oeconomicus  is not behind us,     This explains  why, even  today,   cross-cultural understandings in
          but lies ahead, as does the man    people in Africa do not hesitate   which the Africans can stand out
          of morality and duty, the man of   to organize big feasts with rela-  as having been the fore-bears of
          science and reason”                tives, friends and acquaintances   much of what is called Greek or
                                             and to spend money lavishly in     European heritage.
          The Prestige Motive                order to keep human contacts
          Within the prestige world-view,    as close as possible. The author   Definition  of  the  term  ‘Afriko-
          someone who relates with  oth-     himself does this occasionally.    nomics’
          ers solely on the basis of  the    Since the prestige motive puts     The word ‘Afrikonomics’ comes
          profit  motive  is  seen  as  a  po-  emphasis on communal be-        from the combination of the fol-
          tential source of evil to the com-  longing and acceptability in eco-  lowing  two terms:  Afrikology +
          munity. But within the traditional   nomic  relations,  Mazrui argues   Economics.
          African context, the prestige mo-  that ‘this prestige motive in tra-  Afrikology = Of African continent
          tive was based on the belief that   ditional societies raises serious   and Africans both in the African
          it is through  acts of generosity   economic problems’ for exam-      continent and in the Diaspora.
          to the community that the indi-    ple,  difficulties  of  trying  to  get   Economics: = This has its origin
          vidual will flourish. The prestige   people to save’. In this prestige,   in the Greek  word oikonomia,
          motive ensures that the commu-     ’earnings  are expended  on en-    which means the art of house-
          nity will exist in harmony  when   tertainment and hospitality; on    hold  management.  In studying
          wealth is collectively enjoyed     ostentatious weddings, expen-      the nature of  this art,  Aristotle
          (Gefand 1981; Nyerere 1968,        sive funerals and initiation cere-  undertook  to examine  what is
          Senghor 1964, Kaunda 1966).        monies.                            probably  the  first  economic  is-
          Traditionally,  the  profit  motive                                   sue  to have  been  subjected  to
          was seen as a source of evil: “…   Defining the Theory of             formal inquiry:  in what sort  of
          in an  African context it  is  very   Afrikonomics Theory             wealth getting activity did mate-
          important to  share with one’s                                        rial needs become a desirable
          neighbor  – whoever does  not      The Background                     goal  of human activity. For Ar-
          share withholds  the life force    The model, seeks to  devel-        istotle, retail  trade, as opposed
          from another. Such a person        op a unique  inter-disciplinary,   to the household,  which  is ex-
          confines  oneself  to  the  house   multi-disciplinary  and trans-dis-  change for the purpose of mak-
          and is unable to be a friend to    ciplinary  research. It  is unique   ing  money, is unnatural.  The
          others, thus poisoning the com-    in that  everything in an African   most unnatural activity, for Aris-
          munity  atmosphere.  Neighbors     setting, unlike in the West, is in-  totle as subsequently for the He-
          feel bad  about  such a person     terconnected and collective, and   brews, moreover, is to demand
          and feel that a misfortune is like-  this alone distinguishes the role   interest of a loan.  Is usury, as
          ly to befall him or her. Business   it has to play in global economic   such, necessary and honorable
          enterprises  will  not  flourish,   affairs.                          for humans to undertake? While
          property will be lost, or the fam-  This proposed epistemology  is    Aristotle’s  was an ethical and
          ily of  the owners will be struck   not  necessarily African-centric   moral question, it was answered
          by sickness, death or anything”    or  Afrocentric.  It  is a universal   by means of reasoned  inquiry:
          (Bujo 1998, 162).                  scientific epistemology that goes   concerning human relationships
          This prestige motive helped to     beyond  both  Afrocentrism and     as they relate to the material en-
          preserve  the socio-economic       Eurocentricism,  but seeks to      vironment.
          equilibrium within the communi-    contribute to the development of   Actually, economics, for the
          ty because wealth became avail-    humanity. It recognizes all sourc-  twenty-first  century,  is  a  broad
          able to everybody. Avarice was     es of knowledge as valid within    but divided discipline,  compris-
          one of the most detestable vic-    their historical, cultural, social or   ing dozens of schools of thought
          es. Hence, the border between      economic contexts, and seeks       covering almost every aspect of

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