Page 45 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 45


                                             her culture. For if the  Africans   He was presented to God in the
                                             think that all that is foreign and   Temple in Jerusalem and the
                                             English is good and greater than   relevant sacrifices and offerings
                                             their own, they will lose their    made  along  with  the prophe-
                                             self-esteem, native culture and    cies and prayers of Simeon
                                             they will become what we want      and Anna. After that we are told
                                             them, a truly dominated nation.”   they returned  to “…Nazareth.
                                             I put it to you that in the 85 years   And the Child  grew  and  be-
                                             since  they implemented  their     came strong in spirit, filled with
                                             strategy of domination,  that it   wisdom; and the grace of God
                                             has worked and worked very         was upon Him.”  The next time
                                             effectively. I also  put it to you   we see Him, He is 12 years old,
                                             that the oppression successfully   His family had traveled together
                                             transitioned  from  the  first  gen-  with other  pilgrims to  Jerusa-
                                             eration oppressors to a second     lem for the Passover Feast and
                                             and third tier and guess in whose   on their journey back, realized
                                             hands the enforcement of  said     that He wasn’t with them. They
                                             oppression  is?  That of  Afrika’s   found Him three days later in
                                             sons and daughters. Which is       the  Temple sitting in the midst
                                             excellent news because as bad      of the teachers (the PhDs of
          terests at heart, so don’t swallow   as that is, guess where the au-  that  day) listening to them and
          holus bolus all the garbage they   thority to liberate Afrika is? In the   asking questions… and aston-
          propose by way of deals or pol-    same hands.                        ishing them by His understand-
          icy changes for  your countries.   Too much has been  forgotten,      ing and His answers. The young
          No.  They are using you and if     uprooted or destroyed  in the      boy knew His purpose at that
          you’re not wise enough to know     name of modernity, so bedevil-     time, that He ‘should  be about
          this and navigate this minefield   ing or belittling homeschooling    His Father’s business’ but He
          then perhaps we should choose      in an effort to raise a generation   returned with Mary and Joseph,
          someone who is.                    of people disconnected from the    submitted to them and further in-
          An imperialist’s agenda  is con-   land,  each other and  their own   creased in wisdom and stature,
          trol,  pure and simple, and the    selves, gifts  and talents is not   and in favor with God and men.
          imperialist  carefully selects the   the way to go. More urgently,    The next time we see Him, He
          most  influential  tools  of  control   Afrikans and their governments   is challenging the religious and
          and manipulation  to gain max-     must consider the true reason      political leaders of His day, de-
          imum advantage against his  or     and  purpose  behind  standard-    fying and upending social norms
          her target. Carefully  consider    ization of education globally in a   and beliefs and cultures and
          this quote by Lord  Macaulay       world so ethnically and culturally   setting things in order. This I be-
          during an address he made to       diverse. If it is indeed true that   lieve He did without any formal
          the British Parliament  on 2nd     our diversity is beautiful  and a   education,  for scripture  clear-
          February, 1835: “I have traveled   source of strength to each other,   ly says the people  whom He
          across the length and breadth of   then why homogenize what was       taught wondered  at His teach-
          Africa and I have not seen one     designed  with such  deliberate    ings with authority, since He was
          person who is a beggar, who is     variety? Could the answer  be,     unlearned.  And you know what,
          a thief. Such wealth I have seen   to better control and organize     He went on to train “unlearned”
          in this country, such high moral   the world from one central loca-   folks like Himself who the world
          values, people with such caliber,   tion? Does this not mean, there-  could  not fault, for the wisdom
          that I do not think we would ever   fore, that we are playing into the   they manifest, was beyond what
          conquer this country, unless we    same hands that manipulated        the formal schools could give.
          break the very backbone of this    us before and continue to now?     There is a growth in wisdom and
          nation, which is her spiritual and   Stop and think.                  stature and favor with God and
          cultural heritage and therefore, I   Consider  the growth and pro-    men that we have disconnected
          propose that we replace her old    gression of  Yeshua the Messi-     from and we must be genuine
          and  ancient education  system,    ah. At just over one month old,    with ourselves. The beauty and

                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    45
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