Page 42 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 42


          crutch, explanation or excuse. It   She had made progress but she     make sense. This allowed God
          was the armor that protected her   still couldn’t see how to scale the   to fulfill His Word and promise.
          from moving forward; the reason    invisible barrier her background   The journey wasn’t easy for her
          she would  not apply herself to    raised; she couldn’t see how to    but by now she knew that unless
          understand  a  difficult  concept;   move beyond what she had al-     she held  onto the new picture
          the barrier to  getting a lasting   ways known; her mind couldn’t     God was placing in her heart
          job. It was the base of her inter-  see the way out despite her des-  about her value in Him, her life
          action with the world and guess    perate desire to set an example    wouldn’t count as much so she
          what…it wasn’t helping her.        for those she left behind. Thus    pressed on dealing with every
          Interestingly, she used her life   begun the journey of dealing       aspect of life. She rose in faith
          in Koch as a crutch yet she had    with every excuse she had ever     to silence the voices on the out-
          moved  out a few years before      given.  It was quite the journey,   side and remind herself that her
          we met. She had worked with a      shrouded in hard conversations,    path was charted by God and
          ministry taking hope back there    deep dealings  with God, many      His word would remain true.
          through  scholarships,  she was    tears, broken relationships and    Change had come!
          spending time with people who      studying the Word. It took sep-    Today, five years later, Liz is still
          could challenge her narrative but   aration, times alone  and hon-    working  at the same organiza-
          she wasn’t changing her world-     est  reflections  away  from  all  of   tion in  a completely different
          view.  Why? It  was hard and it    us but I could see God at work     role, has  grown professionally
          would challenge everything she     each step of the way.              and has even gone back into
          had always held onto. However,     At one time, she almost passed     Koch to help the children  con-
          if we were going to work togeth-   up a job opportunity  to hold      nect to God. Above all, she has
          er and bring the change she was    fort  for  a  friend on maternity   grown in her walk with God. She
          talking about, this would have to   leave because she was scared      is able to speak of the realities of
          change permanently.                she wouldn’t  have a job after     walking with God in the appoint-
          We would have to fight to the end   the three months were over.  I    ed path and finding His peace,
          but she was not staying there if   pushed her to believe she could    joy and life. Her life is evidence
          I could help  it so, I started the   work well and display compe-     that God had His eye on her but
          fight. Whenever she brought up     tence so they would  want to       she was standing  in her own
          growing up in Koch or used it      keep her and it  worked. She       way; once  she got out of the
          as a reason I asked, ‘So? What     did. Then she fell and broke her   way, He made it work.
          does being from Koch have to       leg and once again feared that     What is holding you back? What
          do with anything?’ Liz got mad     her employer would  let her go     are  the anchors in  your  mind
          at me, so mad that she avoided     because of  the extended heal-     that keep you limited? What do
          me for months yet she couldn’t     ing time, once again she was       you need to let go of for the word
          fully avoid me.                    proved wrong.                      of God to break forth? You are
          I was leading  teams and she       The change  came when her          so much more than where you
          needed my help so we had to in-    mind  finally  understood  that    were born and what you have
          teract but it was a very strained   the  perfect  plan of  God  must   been through to date. Your path
          interaction. Every time she tried   be the only fuel for her life; that   was  defined  and  ordained  to
          to use Koch as an excuse I         challenges  would  still remain    build  the skills needed  to be-
          asked the same biting question     but she had the ability to over-   come everything God has put in
          with increasing intensity be-      come. Change came when she         you.
          cause I realized that her mind-    understood that she had to look
          set was the real challenge. One    within  herself, understand  her   Editor’s comment: The struggle
          day after many fights, I noticed   limitation then ascend to the lim-  Liz faced is the same struggle
          a change in her posture when I     itless nature of God and become    Afrika is facing. Mindset. Over-
          asked the question. I heard her    what He told her she would be.     come those limitations and you
          question her defense, I watched    It wasn’t an instant solution but   will break through to whole new
          her eyes light up when she un-     a process, one thought, moment     realities and possibilities.
          derstood that where she came       and day at a time as she chose
          from  wasn’t as  important  as     to stand on the word God spoke
          where God was taking her.          and live it out even when it didn’t

          42   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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