Page 38 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 38


          to preserve life and Ma'at in the   broken Afrikan system that was    on the "sand" and in the minds.
          community and not about taking     lopsided in all its parts towards
          life. They believed that as long   the continuation of the enslave-   The way forward for
          as humans practice good, there     ment of the Afrikan people.        Afrika
          will be life. As long as humans    The supposed independence
                                                                                We live at a time when Afrika
          practice harmony, there will       obviously has not done much to
                                                                                has completely lost her bear-
          be life. As long as they prac-     set Afrikans free from their new
                                                                                ings both locally and interna-
          tice true justice, equity, love,   colonial masters who now work
                                                                                tionally. It is sad that Afrika is
          brotherhood etc, there will be     hand in hand with their Afrikan    still suffering under the weight
          life. Life to an Afrikan is sacred   leaders to keep the narrative of
                                                                                of neocolonialism and the bul-
          and must not be undermined         Afrikan backwardness going.
                                                                                lies of her failing heads of state
          for anything. The modern day       But for how long should Afri-
                                                                                and AU; there has to be a way
          man with his so called civiliza-   kans be subjected to slavery?
                                                                                to move forward. The solution
          tion and technology kills babies   How long till Afrikans them-       for Afrika lies here in Afrika and
          through abortions, poisonous       selves know that the leadership
                                                                                must be as seen from our own
          vaccines, weapons of mass          of Afrikan countries have failed
                                                                                eyes and not for what we are
          destruction. He has no value for   in their duties to the Afrikan
                                                                                shown it is. For where poverty
          justice, he dishonors God and      people and thus the way for-
                                                                                still prevails over many, where
          by all these evils, chaos and      ward may just be without them?     a few live in luxury and plenty
          disharmony dwell in our lands.     I read an article a while ago
                                                                                leaving the majority under the
          A pastor in the US said that       about some white tourists who
                                                                                weight of poverty and diseases,
          prisons in the US were started     were doing a road trip across
                                                                                where conflict, drug abuse hap-
          by the pioneers, who would         west Afrika. Crossing through
                                                                                pens, Ma'at offers a solution.
          keep the errant ones away from     the Nigerian border into Cam-
          society and actively engage in     eroon, they were surprised to
                                                                                Afrikans must understand that
          rehabilitating them using the      learn that the Cameroonians in
                                                                                1.2 billion Afrikans must no lon-
          word of God and teachings          the villages around the borders
                                                                                ger live under the failed minds
          about how to interact with other   actually used the Nigerian cur-
                                                                                of a few who call themselves
          members of the society. And it     rency for trading instead of the   Afrikan governments. Afrikans
          worked. These people would be      Cameroonian currency. They
                                                                                must rise up to the challenge to
          released back into their com-      also noticed that these villagers
                                                                                work with one another to create
          munities successfully. But when    didn't even realize that there
                                                                                an Afrika that is safe, whole,
          the government saw how well        was any difference between
                                                                                prosperous, innovative and real.
          it worked, they took over the      the government of Nigeria and      Certainly, this article is not a call
          system and the result is what      that of Cameroon. That got me
                                                                                for anyone to rise up against
          you see today.                     thinking. For it means that, if
                                                                                their governments, but for all Af-
                                             the people that live around the
                                                                                rikans home and abroad to truly
                                             Afrikan borders do not even
          Restore the Afrikan                recognize a difference be-         now rise and come together
          Harmony                            tween countries on both sides      in harmony to help each other
                                                                                rise. It is not difficult, I believe, it
          In this particular issue of the    of the border then the issue of    just needs one Afrikan to raise
          magazine, the theme of respon-     Afrikan borders is not real. It’s   another Afrikan up and by the
          sibility and brotherhood stand     just some signatures on some       law of multiplication, all will be
          out on almost every side. This     colonial papers only recognized    raised in no time.
          is quite deliberate, even though   by the governments involved.
          how it all came together into      But how can a people live their    Give your Afrikan brother and
          one stream of thoughts must be     lives based on the rules of the    sister a helping hand. Let each
          a miracle. We strongly believe     very people that enslaved them     person see the good in other
          that Afrikans have come of age     and then claim they are inde-      Afrikans and together we will
          to know what is good for them      pendent? We must restore the       rise. Together.
          and to deliberately go for it.     Afrikan harmony and brother-
          The colonialists left us with a    hood by removing borders both

          38   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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