Page 33 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 33


          he is fully appraised but turns    ondly, farming employs majority    cient diagnostic and treatment
          a blind eye when he financially    of Kenyans and thus is the         equipment congruent to the
          incentivized. In other words, the   largest contributor to our econo-  population they serve. But if
          politician is either oblivious or   my. Each farmer we lose means     we don’t fix the pipes leaking
          compromised and the investor/      that our economic output will      with cooking gas, we will keep
          supplier is laden with conflicts   inevitably decline. But the Can-   building more fire stations but
          of interest to help us solve this   cer Investor/Supplier will tell   the explosions will persist.
          malignant calamity.                you “better” jobs will be created   Remember CANCER IS PRE-
          Likewise, it’s foolhardy to        elsewhere to pick up the slack.    VENTABLE, and thus we need
          expect the suspect to help you     They will tell you that more doc-  to do proper research to estab-
          with establishing the cause; he    tors, nurses and technicians will   lish the link between Glypho-
          will point you to the convicts.    be needed and therefore more       sate in Weed Killers and rising
          Tobacco is a convict but there’s   schools and teachers training      cancer cases in Kenya.  We
          no evidence that smoking has       them and the economy will          might agree with California that
          gone up in farming communities     do just fine. This is what I call   Glyphosate causes cancer and
          in Kenya. Aflatoxins are convict-  Disease Capitalism in my book      help World Health Organization
          ed but cereals’ farming is not
          a new practice in Kenya and
          thus does not explain the new
          cancer rates explosion. Calci-
          um carbide is a jailbird but the
          urban population is at a higher
          risk due to artificially ripened
          fruits than the farming commu-
          nities. In a figure of speech,
          let’s handle one case at a time
          and focus on this suspect that
          California, U.S. has listed as
          cancer causing chemical as is
          IARC-World Health Organiza-
          tion with caveats.
          Kenya and Africa is paying
          heavily for this myopic ap-
          proach to preventable diseases
          like cancer. First, there is an
          untold pain and suffering by our
          fellow human beings when can-
          cer strikes. There is the emo-
          tional toll on family members
          as they helplessly watch their
          loved ones waste away regard-
          less of whatever medical inter-
          ventions they try, not to mention
          the financial burden weighing
          on them. The government tells      Dollar Altar, where the economy    state in definite terms what it
          them to get NHIF card instead      thrives on the backs of the sick   currently classify as probable
          of find out what’s killing us.     and the dying.                     (it’s 2nd highest rating)  and
          The right to health does not       I am saying that we shouldn’t      save millions of lives while at it.
          only mean that we should have      find a way of treating those
          access to healthcare but the       already sick. Not in the least.    A CALL TO ACTION
          government is obligated to keep    Kenyatta National Hospital         GOVERNMENTAL AND INSTI-
          our air, water and food free of    and devolved referral facilities   TUTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY
          poisons and pollutants.  Sec-      should be equipped with suffi-     All public health officials at-

                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    33
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