Page 32 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
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cer and nip it in the bud? Are from was broken. People have was allowed to list Glyphosate
Glyphosate based Weed Killers been driving into the river and (active ingredient in RoundUp
killing us instead? washed downstream half-con- and other Weed Killers) as
To illustrate our current ap- scious with traumatic injuries Cancer Causing Chemical and
proach; let’s say there was a from being banged on the listed this on California Envi-
new cooking gas pipeline just rocks. They would fix the bridge ronmental Protection Agency’s
installed in a populated estate. and simultaneously fix the flow website to warn the public. [10]
A few years later, the residents of patients permanently, saving Why are we ONLY focused on
are shocked as every other day lives. Why are National and cancer equipment and centers
there is an explosion some- County leaders not invested in when the world of science else-
where in the estate which is fixing the bridge or at least find where is pointing to the obvious
maiming and killing the young out if it’s broken upstream in suspect? For the politician at
and old and devastating their regards to cancer? least, if they fixed the bridge
neighborhood. The resident they would not need to build the
reports that these explosions CALIFORNIA LISTS GLYPHO- hospital and there is no way of
are always preceded by the SATE AS A CARCINOGEN taking credit or bragging about
unmistakable smell of cooking Why are we not making it a cancer that you prevented from
gas. Would it be right if their priority to embark on an inves- happening as it’s not visual
leaders immediately start- tigative quest to establish if a like a building. In other words,
ed raising funds to build Fire link exists between increased the politician would invest his
Stations to help in FIGHTING cancer cases with use of Weed efforts in building hospitals or
FIRES? Would you be shocked Killers especially in our farming bringing in new cancer equip-
if they also wanted to build Burn regions? Others have made ment to already existing hos-
Treatment Centers to cater for the link. In March 2015, Inter- pitals as this provides visible
the victims? Aren’t you thinking national Agency for Research political mileage. In fact, both
they just need to turn off the on Cancer IARC- (World Health National and County Politicians
gas and fix the leaking pipes? Organization) made this link; it never miss such a photo-op
Don’t you think this is common classified Glyphosate (active when such a hospital is being
sense thing to do first? Unfor- ingredient in different brands launched or when new cancer
tunately, this FIGHTING-FIRES of Weed Killers) “as probably equipment is brought in. I want
approach is what we have cho- carcinogenic to humans… This to see them taking pictures with
sen in Kenya in regard to the classification is further sup- test tubes instead, if they must
rise of Cancer cases. ported by “strong” evidence take credit.
The right approach is the one for genotoxicity, both for “pure” On the other hand, the Inves-
employed in Public Health. I will glyphosate and for glyphosate tor, Equipment and Chemo
briefly define the model; If res- formulations.” In other words, Drugs Supplier (none of which
cue workers took drowning vic- IARC states that, “The prob- of course is sourced in Kenya)
tims to a hospital to be treated, ability of developing a cancer are ill placed to advocate for the
the hospital would tend to them will depend on factors such as bridge to be fixed. In fact, they
but would not be concerned the type and extent of exposure are likely to sponsor free cancer
with why they drowned in the and the strength of the effect of screenings which in their board-
first place, even if dozens oth- the agent.”[8]The Agency’s goal rooms is referred to as market
ers continue to flock its wards. post Glyphosate classification feasibility study. They make
Leaders here would advocate is, “to help regulators and the sure that the politician is pres-
for building bigger Accident and public understand the potential ent to take credit for the free
Trauma Centers and procuring for risk and to reduce exposure” screening as he is the decision
more Ambulances. In Public [8] In 2017, California had re- maker when it comes to funding
Health Practice, the common quired Monsanto to put a label the existing hospital to procure
sense question should be; Why, on RoundUp warning consum- equipment, chemo drugs and
where and how did they drown? ers that it causes cancer but oncology services. It is possi-
They would quickly discover that requirement was halted by ble that the politician may be
that a bridge upstream of where a Federal Judge. [9] In a sep- oblivious of the Supplies’ or
the victims were being rescued arate case however, California Investor’s motive. It also likely
32 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika