Page 27 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 27

          WAKE UP AFRIKA!


                                                CHIOMA PHILLIPS

          This body that  we live in was     dustry, and a strong pipeline for   a decrease. He said in a write-
          carefully and masterfully de-      vaccines. In addition, increasing   up in January 2019, that he and
          signed by God with remarkable      epidemic potentials, growing fo-   his wife have – over 2 decades
          protective and self-healing qual-  cus on therapeutic vaccines, and   – put USD 10 billion into orga-
          ities. Working in tandem with a    emerging  markets will further     nizations in the area of  health,
          clean, healthy environment, pure   provide significant opportunities   “including three big ones: Gavi,
          and nutrient dense (non-toxic)     for the various stakeholders in    the Vaccine Alliance; the Global
          food, water and air - and most     this market. However, longer       Fund; and the Global Polio Erad-
          importantly, when one is in a      timelines and high cost for vac-   ication Initiative.”  Meaning that
          healthy, loving  relationship  with   cines development are likely to   between  his  TED  Talk in 2010
          God (their Maker) - it has the ca-  hinder the market growth.” (Em-   and the year 2019, he lent great
          pacity to resist and fight off dis-  phasis, mine.) Question: what    support to the UN/WHO push to-
          ease and stave  off  illness and   are increasing  epidemic  poten-   wards global  vaccinations,  with
          endure  for the duration which     tials and emerging  markets?       his hope of a 10-15% population
          God has purposed. Leaves are       Is  it  Coronavirus? Swine Flu?    reduction firmly in mind.
          for the healing of all nations, not   SARS? Zika? Ebola? HIV?         An article in the Foreign Poli-
          vaccines loaded with aluminum      These growth indicators come as    cy Journal states the following
          and mercury, aborted fetal DNA     no surprise when you note that     concerning  the DTP  vaccine,
          and  other undesirable  ingredi-   the WHO Global Vaccine Action      “It is very difficult to know what
          ents.                              Plan (GVAP) called 2011 – 2020     the true risks are from a vaccine
          According to a report excerpt on   the Decade of Vaccines and in      when clinical trials consider only
 published in August   2019 placed ‘vaccine hesitancy’    short-term  acute  reactions  and
          2019, the global vaccine market    as one of the ten threats to glob-  not long-term harms that may
          is showing  escalating  growth     al health. Stating their mission   not be obviously related to vacci-
          that  is expected to reach reve-   as being “to improve health by     nation. Nevertheless, scientists
          nues of nearly 60 billion US Dol-  extending by 2020 and beyond       who have asked the question
          lars by 2020. They say that this   the  full  benefits  of  immuniza-  and have tried over the course
          would be almost double the size    tion to all people, regardless of   of decades to determine the
          of the market in 2014. Growth is   where they are born, who  they     DTP vaccine’s effect on child-
          being driven by influenza, swine   are or where they live.” But what   hood mortality have made the
          flu, hepatitis, tuberculosis, diph-  is really driving this push? Could   startling discovery that vaccinat-
          theria, Ebola and meningococ-      there be something more sinis-     ed children die at a higher rate.
          cal and pneumococcal diseases.     ter at work?  This quote by Bill   As the authors of a 2017 study
 in February      Gates during a TED Talk he gave    put it, “All currently available ev-
          2020 shared its own report in the   in 2010 is both surprising and    idence  suggests that DTP vac-
          excerpt they stated, “The Global   disturbing: “The world today has   cine may kill more children from
          Vaccines Market is expected to     6.8 billion people; that’s headed   other causes than it saves from
          grow at  a  CAGR  of  5.2% from    up to about 9 billion. Now if we   diphtheria, tetanus or pertussis.
          2019  to 2027; reaching  $62.2     do a really great job on new vac-  Though a vaccine protects chil-
          billion by 2027. The growth in the   cines, healthcare, reproductive   dren against the target disease
          global vaccines market is mainly   health services, we lower that by   it may simultaneously  increase
          attributed to the high prevalence   perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” One    susceptibility  to unrelated  in-
          of various diseases, increasing    would think that the outcome of    fection.” The article  goes  on to
          government initiatives towards     this would be a boom in health     say that,  “The WHO  is by no
          immunization, technological ad-    and reproduction, resulting in     means unaware  of these stud-
          vancements in the vaccine in-      an increase  in population not     ies. Yet the organization contin-

                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    27
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