Page 23 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 23
have felt pain before, I have
I the place of humility and consid- will make you see what God is
eration for others. I have read
cried before, I have felt like
showing you about others. This
God disappeared for a mo-
a few times the stories of privi-
has happened to me several
ment, especially the moment
how the mind of God works over
when I thought I needed Him the leged people who lived with so times and I get to understand
much pride and out of this world
most to at least show me what kind of attitudes. To them, no distances and how to respond to
to do about life's issues. And human being is worth anything. such.
when I finally felt He was around They created this fantasy about Something else also stands out
again, He didn't even “apolo- themselves in their heads that about pains; I think they are
gize for 'leaving'" even though I tends to make others look like specially ingrained in the lives of
thought He would, but He only jokers, either because they are those who have been destined
reminded me of how God He is rich, or from a rich family or even to be custodians of life's wisdom
when He said "I never left and I academic geniuses. To them, and understanding. It's almost
will never leave you". others are only useful when they as if there is no one who has cut
give strength to their futile fan- through life’s average that didn’t
Surely, pain come to us all in tasies. And as it has been with go through one pain, persecu-
different forms and each one most of such people, they only tion or the other. This reality is
responds to pain differently. So come to their senses on their so true that I wonder if there is
I can't say I know or understand sick beds when their money and ever any other way to learn life's
your specific pain and neither the futile bodies that they have wisdom apart from the hardship
can I say I have the answer to spent so much money to pack- and the pain we face. We live
how to respond to it. But one age can't seem to help. Right in a hyper real world where the
thing however is clear and like there in their helpless state, they god of this world called self has
most things that happen in our begin to rethink life and the fu- a lot of influence; a self-centered
lives; pain is not necessarily a tility in it and then somehow, world in which men have forgot-
bad thing if understood for what especially the one God decides ten how to be human among
it is. There are lots of ways to to help, they repent of their mad- men. A dirty, capitalistic world
see or respond to pain when ness and become humble. This where it’s easy for people to
they appear in our lives, but per- aspect of pain as a reminder see others just as pawns in the
mit me to just highlight two that I to stop and review has worked grand money scheme of things.
have personally used or which I for me very much to the point It’s a sad world we have creat-
have learnt to use. where if I hit my toe on a stone ed and I think the Divine Judge
or if something happens that is of heaven has a way of bringing
Pain as a stopper not usual, I immediately get very pain our way just so maybe we
There is something about pain sensitive about things around can learn to wake up from our
and hardship that we face in me and put things under quick little luxurious bed of selfishness
life and how they birth in us judgment to see if I am missing and self-glorification and realize
and with us new perspectives something or if the divine mind that life is not so much about us
about life and living. For me of God is pointing something out alone, but about all.
personally, I believe pain was for me to see. And I am not say-
created to be a stopper on our ing that the ultimate way to be Pain in obedience
life's road. Yeah…that sounds sensitive is through pain alone, Of Jesus who is also God, it is
weird I guess. See it like a red but that being able to stop and written that He learned obedi-
traffic light that makes you stop review in the face of pain is ence by the things He suffered.
to think and reconsider the fact surely a way to demystify pain Now what is obedience? Obedi-
that you are not alone after all and make it work positively for ence is simply the alignment of a
on this journey of life. There are us. Sometimes, for those that man with the wisdom and mind
other “road users” riding right are prophets, they even receive of God which causes such a
beside you, adjacent to you and the pains of others that may be man to take actions that he may
even opposite you especially. thousands of miles away from not necessarily want to take
Pains are like reminders; they them, whether they know them outside of such alignment to
are sent to us to make us stop, or not. Sensitivity to stop and God. In the case of Jesus, and
review and reconsider life from review in the face of such pain sometimes in our lives also, God heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 23