Page 19 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 19
the elder of old time foreign affairs and diplomacy did as it regards the partition-
*Those who have seen very little and a common citizenship, an ing of Afrika, borders, capitalism
talk too much. But those who African currency, an African were done for their own sake,
have seen a great deal cannot monetary zone and an African that is, to serve their own inter-
find words to explain what they Central Bank. We must unite in ests. Now that the colonialists
have seen or gone through. order to achieve the full libera- are gone, who do these things
tion of our continent. We need serve? I believe it serves the
In this age of the internet and a common defense system with heads of states of Afrikan na-
lots of technology, one would African High Command to en- tions that have turned the gov-
think the Afrikan wisdom would sure the stability of Africa…with erning of their sovereign nations
be more accessible but, quite our united resources, energies into family businesses, for that
interestingly it’s not really the and talents we have the means, was exactly the reason why the
case. And the reason is simple; as soon as we show the will, to ideas by Nkrumah were rejected
the ancient Afrikan knowledge transform the economic struc- in the first place.
and wisdom paths are more hu- tures of our individual states Physical borders translate into
man relationship centered than from poverty to that of wealth, mental borders and somehow
they are virtual. The internet from inequality to the satisfac- into spiritual borders. There is
gives you access to friends that tion of popular needs. Only on the need for the dismantling of
are just numbers and photos a continental basis shall we be the physical colonial borders
and nothing real. able to plan the proper utilization even as we target much more
of all our resources for the full the mental borders. Afrikans
Erase the physical and development of our continent.” have been conditioned to hate
mental borders The African leaders did not ap- other Afrikans simply because
In the words of Kwame Nkrumah preciate Nkrumah’s wisdom at of different territorial, social and
that time, but the Europeans did. geographical origins, which are
one of the pioneers of the OAU,
The concept of the European also nothing but the fruit of colo-
he said, at the eve of the found-
Union is based on Nkrumah’s nialism. Borders are nothing but
ing of the organization, "With-
ideas, to the detriment of Afrikan mental and physical limitations,
out necessarily sacrificing our
sovereignties, big or small, we unity. they should be removed.
Afrika has come of age to know
can here and now forge a po-
that everything the colonialists
litical union based on defense,
As already noted in the AU Agenda 2063, it's important to expedite the issuing of the African Passport. This will
create the much needed African citizenship, ease of movement and settlement for Afrikans within Afrika. It is absurd
and irresponsible for the government of Afrikan nations to call any Afrikan alien or foreigner, shutting them out while
allowing with open arms the real foreigners because they come in as tourists with lots of spending money, investment
capital, loans and aid that has turned Afrika into debt and new business colonies.
Since natural borders are not real, it means we must begin to remove the mental borders that has been programmed
into the minds of our people, by not just openly calling for visa removal but to much more create avenues for inter-
Afrikan events that will in turn create communication and friendship between Afrikans. We must ask ourselves, why
is it that the first reaction Afrikans have when they meet themselves is that of criminality and not brotherhood? The
answer to this question will set Afrikans free.
Create a very flexible system of movement that allows Afrikans who intend to do road trips across Afrika to do so
without hassles. It should be specifically visa free for such Afrikan road travellers who are riding or driving through the
various Afrikan countries. Special AU stamps on their passports can help to identify such travellers and which also
should mandate security authorities to assist them as they pass through any of the countries along their journey. It will
create the much needed Afrikan relationship, communication, love among Afrikans, ideas sharing, trade, arts, more
connection to nature and its healing power. The list is endless.
Together as Afrikans, we can create a healthy and prosperous Afrika. Share your SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS about the
issues in Afrika with us and we will publish them. Contact: