Page 17 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 17
f there is one thing I rika. He sets up a multi-national marginalized people of Afrika
have realized in my in- e-commerce company called by those who think they have
teractions with various Jumia but rejoices when he is lordship somehow over others.
Iissues that plague Afri- called the Amazon of Afrika, (I They are a subconscious signa-
kans, both from my real life in- wonder what happened to Ju- ture that says "you were once
teractions with people or on the mia of Afrika). He calls his Afri- together as brothers before we
internet, the Afrikan problem is kan brother who is as oppressed came." If there is one major evil
not one of resources or anything as himself a criminal or at best that was done to Afrika, it is the
physical or outward, it’s clearly an alien, shuts him out as an mental programming that makes
metaphysical. Afrika's so called unwanted element, while open- us hate and fight ourselves.
backwardness, under-develop- ing his doors to the very people What we are really dealing with
ment, poverty etc are all nothing who have mastered the ancient in Afrika right now are not the
but issues of devalued mental- art of criminality and stealing by things done to us by the colo-
ity. It’s a programmed reality cre- diplomacy. His eyes are closed nialists, the imperialists, but the
ated to keep the Afrikan man in to the reality of his backward- things we are doing to ourselves
a never ending loop of ‘not good ness not being an outside issue, due to the subconscious border-
enough’ syndrome. The Afrikan but an inner disengagement and lines in our minds that say "there
man's problem is more mental disharmony caused by the men- is a difference between a Suda-
than he can ever imagine. This tal border he carries around. He nese and an Egyptian, between
issue of self-hatred and self-im- needs help to see that he needs a Zulu and a Fulani, between a
posed backwardness is reflected to stop being both immigration Nigerian and a Kenyan etc. Yes
in every area of the life of an Af- officer and border patrol officer each geographical location in Af-
rikan. He has been programmed of the borders that only exist in rika has a unique blend of things
to believe that the white man's his mind. He needs to be set that make them stand out, but
education system is superior, so free from himself. our origins are the same. All Af-
he makes a nonsense of Afrika's rikans were brothers before we
indigenous knowledge. He be- The curse of a mind were ever divided. Is it so hard
lieves his art is rich and good, to figure that out?
but he doesn’t think his own
The border lines we have in
name is worth the richness of Physical rendition of a
Afrika are nothing but imagi-
the art, so he is happy when oth-
nary lines drawn in the minds of mental problem
ers call him the Da Vinci of Af-
the colonized, oppressed and I remember being in Nigeria in heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 17