Page 12 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 12


          lives was random. I read some-
          where that in ancient times
          and just around the time of
          the partitioning of Afrika, there
          were literal super highways of
          wisdom that wise men all over
          Afrika would go through to learn
          wisdom from various locations
          in Afrika, a thing which I believe
          is the reason why most knowl-
          edge and wisdom in Afrika are
          similar due to the intermingling
          of ideas and thoughts. Mean-
          ing that for us at Msingi Afrika
          Magazine, the quest to see the
          borders open all over Afrika and
          the suspension of visas within
          Afrikan nations altogether is not
          so much about removing the         Other  indigenous  people of Af-   ism going on right now won’t still
          money Afrikans pay to access       rica used the name “Afri” or “If-  be able to destroy Afrika. Why is
          other Afrikan countries. Not       ran”.  The  ancient language  of   that?  The creative artistic work
          really. It’s so much more for the   Mizraim/Kemet  (Ancient  Egypt)   that God did when He took dirt
          sake of giving access to the       called  Africa “Af-Rui-Ka.” It     (soil) from the cradle of human-
          superhighways of wisdom and        means the opening  of Ka.  Afri    ity  (Afrika)  and  formed  the  first
          for Afrikans to be able to access   like  Afro means black and Ka     man, who I believe  is black
          such indigenous knowledge          means  soul  or spirit. It also    (what else should the color of
          and wisdom from the remain-        means the place of birth. Tech-    the image made with dark earth
          ing custodians of the same.        nically, Afrika means the land of   be if not black) is still alive and
          Yes the globalist agenda is to     the  blacks that  is the  womb  of   will never die. God’s word never
          create ten super nations out of    spirit or soul. From the creation   dies and as long as His word re-
          all the nations of the world in    story of the bible  and even ar-   mains, earth which is His word
          preparation for the reign of the   cheologically, it is clear that Afri-  will remain and Man who is also
          Antichrist, but prior to that, we   ka is the cradle of humanity and   His word (let us make man in our
          owe it to ourselves and the next   thus the place where the womb      own  image)  will  remain,  espe-
          generation of Afrikans to keep     of creation was opened to give     cially in its original form (Black).
          safe the indigenous knowledge      birth to the first man. But beyond   There is a seed of life in the DNA
          and wisdom passed down to us       the fact that this is historical, in   of the Afrikan man that no kind
          by our forefathers.                prophetic foresight, the reality of   of genetic alteration that science
          Personally, I do  believe  there   Afrika being  the womb of spirit   is trying to create can change.
          were  Afrikan forefathers that     or humanity is still as valid as it   The womb of Afrika can never
          walked with the God of heaven      was in the beginning. Have you     stop producing the word of God.
          like  Abraham of  the  Bible did,   ever wondered  why with all of    So  Afrika will remain no mat-
          even though their stories  may     the many evil days that  Afrika    ter what is done to her. To add
          not have been written in the bi-   has gone  through, her real-       to this, it seems to me that the
          ble. Their stories of faith must be   ity still could not be destroyed?   inferiority complex of  the  white
          somewhere; we just have to find    Pre-slave trade wars and inva-     man’s mind could not handle
          them.                              sions could not do it, the Atlantic   these enigmas  called  Afrikans,
                                             slave trade itself could not do it,   such that the only thing he could
                                             the partition of Afrika and the co-  do was destroy the black man’s
          The name Afrika
                                             lonialism that followed could not   history, taint his pre-colonialism
          The name Afrika is a combina-
          tion of  two  words  Afri  and Ka.   do it and even the neocolonial-  civilization, pour so much propa-

         12       |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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