Page 11 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 11

                                  The Name


                             THE IDENTITY, THE LIFE AND THE HOPE

                     uite a few people have asked me           tion and the generation to come. Technology and
                     about the name Afrika, especially         modernity has its benefits, but I do not personally
                     the concept of using Afrika with a        think that most Afrikans are paying attention to
                     “K” rather than an Africa with a “C” in   the cost of what we call civilization both for this
          QMsingi Afrika Magazine. I must say                  generation and the next one. It is not outside of
          thanks to them for even noticing the usage. First-   reality if I say the Afrika we have now has lost
          ly, our usage of Afrika with a “K” is not an attempt   so much of her true identity in pursuit of con-
          to “stylize” or “Afrikanize” the name Africa by the   venience and the hyper-real life of fancy. It is a
          change of the consonant “C’ for “K”. It’s actually   well-known fact that the ancient Afrikans used
          a deliberate push to give Afrika her actual mean-    knowledge and learning as a tool of alignment to
          ing. It’s a deliberate attempt to show Afrikans      divinity, using the natural energy and materials
          the truth about who they are in accordance with      around them as channels. They didn’t see learn-
          the true identity of their home called Afrika. It’s a   ing and knowledge as a tool for societal mis-
          push to realign Afrikans both at home and in the     management, status creation, a divide between
          Diaspora to the reality of the prophetic identity    learned and unlearned etc, but as a creative tool
          found in the name Afrika. So it’s not a play on      to properly manage societal cohesion based on
          letters to create a brand for a magazine. It is way   truth, sincerely, accountability, justice, brotherli-
          beyond branding and stylization.                     ness, faith, compassion, kindness and spirituality
          It’s a fact that the entity we now call Africa has   to name a few. The ancient Afrikans were not
          been given various names over the millennia.         ignorant of their name and the corresponding
          She has been called Alkebulan, referred to as        identity found in its meaning and the depth of
          Ethiopia, land of Cush, Kemet (Egypt) and others     spirituality it is connected to. And that’s why
          that we may not know.  I will try as much as pos-    everything the ancient Afrikan did was done with
          sible to explain this amazing identity behind the    God or the “Central Energy” in mind and in the
          name Afrika below, while leaving room for others     center, irrespective of what or how they interpret-
          who may have more insight about the subject          ed the concept of God in their day. To them, spirit
          matter to also add their voices.                     and spirituality, the knowledge and energy of the
                                                               cosmos and its alignment was fully ingrained
          Afrika and Spirituality                              in their day to day life, a thing the modern day
          The ancient Afrikans were not chasers of van-        Afrikan has forgotten and even demonized. To
          ity and frivolity, nor were they avaricious in their   our ancestors, the cosmos itself and how their
          social relationship with each other like the mod-    lives, their beliefs, their destinies, their family,
          ern day Afrikans are. Obviously, lots of things      their tilling of the earth are connected to it was
          have changed in our world since the generation       what mattered to them.  Just as the environment
          of the ancient Afrikans, things we now call civili-  of their temples was made sacred by metaphors
          zation and technology etc. But to have changed       of cosmic order, entire cities and great ritual
          or eroded the ancient moral ideology and the         centers were also astronomically aligned and or-
          rich Afrikan identity is not good for this genera-   ganized. For the ancient Afrikans, nothing in their

                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    11
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