Page 13 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 13
ganda in the modern day global- put us under bondage. Concern- Afrikan way of life.
ist controlled mass media, social ing capitalism and the effect of Afrika is the true home of the
media just to keep the narrative it, I wrote something in an earlier brave and the wise, but wisdom
of a backward Afrika going on. article. without responsibility and ac-
That too will not last forever. "When capitalism entered countability is nothing but cow-
into food production, poison ardice. No one else will develop
Medu Ntjer the Ancient and death followed. When Afrika apart from Afrikans, for
Egyptian writing capitalism entered into the every funding for aid or devel-
Do you know that the ancient health sector, poison and opment Afrika receives from
death followed. When capital- foreign powers, she loses more
Egyptians, who are completely
ism entered into the church, of her resources than she gets
black Afrikans, believed that as
the church became the den funding for. So of what use is
creation was made by Word, ev-
erything that exists represents of thieves. Capitalism has en- the foreign help when it is ac-
the Words of God long before the tered into the family system, tually another name for slavery
poison, death, divorce, all and colonialism? I love what one
coming of Christianity to Afrika?
manner of evil followed. Capi- development worker said in our
These ancient black Afrikans
talism is a curse to humans, last conversation, “In doing this
invented the first writings from
signs that are elements of na- especially to Afrikans. It is work, I tell you the truth, I have
ture and called that writing Medu not our culture and neither is found that colonialism, divide
it the pattern of the Kingdom and conquer is still happening,
Ntjer which means Words of
of God. The true Afrikan is not but in another form, it is happen-
God but which westerners called
selfish, self-centered, indi- ing through aid.” But we certain-
Hieroglyphics. This is why such
writing includes birds, plants, vidualistic or capitalistic. As ly cannot continue this way and
humans, animals, the sun, the he rises, he takes others with think that things will change. As
him. For according to the Af- Afrikans, we owe it to each other
moon and anything created that
rikan principle of Ubuntu, he to raise ourselves up. No one
they could see. For years I had
knows that "He is because else will do it for us.
thought that the Egyptian Medu
Ntjer (Hieroglyphics) were oc- others are". Almost every-
cult symbols and I didn’t want to thing the colonialist (both the Embrace the Name Afrika
former and the new) taught the Everything created, seen and
have anything to do with them.
black man was faulty. Why? unseen, all have names and
Now I know better.
They always leave out the the identities attached to those
sense of Humanity (Ubu) and
Raise up your Afrikan names. The case of Afrika is one
the divine central point (Ntu) and the same. Meaning that af-
brother which is the mind of God. ter knowing the name and the
This is not just a statement, it They taught Afrikans capital- definition of Afrika and the pro-
is a plea. Afrika is where she ism, individualism but God is phetic reality behind it, we as Af-
is today because we Afrikans not individualistic. He is fam- rikans must now no longer live
have learnt by foreign manipula- ily oriented. Yes He saves and like barren wombs or as people
tion of our minds and the image works with one, but with the with identity crises who only
degrading propaganda that has plan to get to the whole. And seem to move when others are
been poured into Afrika, to hate that too is not for servitude or moving. No. We must come out
and fight ourselves. It seems manipulation, but for whole- of such crises modes and enter
easier for an Afrikan to hate and ness and true prosperity. God fully into the space that God gra-
demean a fellow Afrikan than does not break any man to de- ciously gave us. For if Afrika is
to sit down to chart new ways stroy him, He breaks to heal the cradle of humanity then you,
forward. The border lines that and remold." an Afrikan, are the reality of “the
are nothing but imaginary lines
opening of the womb of Spirit”.
of division and oppression are Let Afrikans wake up from their Life began with you and life must
clearly not on the soil of Afrika, slumber and review if what we be preserved by you.
they are in the mind of Afrikans. were taught in school points us
We cannot allow any longer the to the mind of God for humanity
use of capitalism and the quest or if they are just viruses in our
for the proceeds of slavery to heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 13