Page 18 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 18


          2002  when  Nigeria  and  Cam-     lifetime when every border post    that Africans were granted Afri-
          eroon  went to settle a border     in Afrika will  no longer  be that   can citizenship,  meaning  that
          dispute in which both were lay-    of  restriction and visa monger-   there should be free  human
          ing claim to the oil rich Bakassi   ing madness, but a post where     movement across the borders;
          peninsular.  There was a bit of    Afrikans welcome with joy their    an African should  feel at home
          tension among the people amid      fellow Afrikan brothers.           no matter  where they are on
          concerns that war was going                                           the continent. Thirdly, there are
          to break out between the two       How long should  we cry about      more merits in dismantling co-
          countries. Of note is that, in tak-  the slow movement of Afrika as   lonial  borders  than maintaining
          ing the case to the International   regards  development, while  at   them."  Except from "Against co-
          Court of Justice, they didn't cite   the same time, the movement of   lonial borders: The need for Afri-
          any ancient cultural  claims to    Afrikans that will  make the de-   can citizenship  now" written by
          the land, nor the preferences of   velopment happen is restricted?    Hashi Kenneth Tafira on Pamba-
          the region’s inhabitants  as re-   Let me say this again, like I have   zuka News website.
          gards ancient Afrikan to Afrikan   said before, the white man irre-
          cohabitation  and  coexistence,    spective of what you may think     I  copied the above excerpt
          nor did they even cite their own   or what they front as PR is not    from a larger article and it gave
          national  interests. Rather, they   your friend as  an  Afrikan.  He   strength to  my  thoughts about
          cited a pile of century-old Eu-    hates you for who  you are but     the emancipation of Afrika from
          ropean  paperwork  which bears     loves  your  natural  and  human   the space of freedom of move-
          the  drawing of  the  forced  bor-  resources. He will do all he can   ment  within Afrika  by Afrikans
          ders.  Cameroon won that  case     with all his hidden agenda-filled   by the collapse of  borders  and
          because she presented a more       European/African  summits to       removal of visas which I had not
          convincing map to show that the    keep you under servitude to        thought  actually  meant  Afrikan
          two European powers, Germany       him. This has been proven over     citizenship.
          and the British empire, under      and over again without fail.       Before this never ending hatred
          which both Cameroon and Nige-                                         between Afrikans began, move-
          ria were colonized respectively;   Afrikan Citizenship                ment of people and goods within
          in 1913, had negotiated the bor-   I am strongly of the opinion that   Afrika was a major way through
          der between these West African     there is  nothing  Afrika cannot   which inter-marriage, sharing of
          colonies, and the peninsular falls   achieve  if  Afrikans simply look   indigenous knowledge, strength-
          on the side of Cameroon. This is   inward to the vast blessings they   ening of the Afrikan brotherhood
          not necessarily an isolated issue   have.                             and most importantly,  the con-
          but  it  clearly shows how much    See this except below:             stant empowerment  of the an-
          the nations in Afrika are so tied   "Today we are witnessing large-   cient Afrikan super highways of
          to their commitment to the very    scale movement of people           wisdom took place. In  fact,  as
          borders that were created by the   across borders. Political,  eco-   some old  Afrikan tales puts it
          colonialists without a single con-  nomic and social instability      concerning  the life of  a Doma
          sideration for the coexistence of   within nation-states has reached   or traditionalist, a healer who
          those that live around such bor-   a volatile level. Concern about    wants to deepen his knowledge
          ders.  Meaning that Afrika,  after   tightening  of borders, national   about the  healing powers  of
          about sixty years of indepen-      security and increasing  fear of   plants must travel so as to learn
          dence, still doesn't have her own   the African “Other” are now com-  from other masters the identity
          definition of what it means to be   monplace.  This paper  makes      and usage of such plants.  The
          Afrika without the laid down sig-  some propositions  and  states     old Afrikans, before the colonial
          natures of the oppressors called   the case that colonial  borders    days, understood the potency of
          borders or maps which are noth-    and preoccupation with territory,   inter-travel within Afrika for  the
          ing but physical representations   securitization and security regi-  sake of knowledge and wisdom
          of  mental disengagement  from     mens and “sovereignty” are a       sharing.  There are lots of  Afri-
          the  Afrikan unity and brother-    bane to African unity. It argues   kan proverbs  that point  to this
          hood.                              that such impulsion reveals the    thought but let me share just a
                                             colonial  nature of the so-called   few.
          I sincerely await the day in my    post colony. Secondly, it is time   *The child who travels far excels

          18   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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