Page 24 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 24


          places some kinds of demands        And sometimes, humans reject pain because
          on us that will  not be naturally   it brings them to the place of humility. A place
          acceptable or convenient for our
          flesh and desire. In this case of   where  their  so  called  strength  is  complete-
          pain through obedience, it is al-   ly used up and their human weakness is laid
          ways for our good and even the
          greater good.                       bare for them and others to see.

          Why  do  humans reject             something is not doing right or    ship, daughter-hood  and  inher-
          pain?                              it’s time to stop and review. Even   itance. See Job 42:13-15. God
          People have various reasons for    as it concerns our bodies, pain    was showing or using Job’s life
          lashing  out when  pain  gets to   doesn't just show up out of the    to tell the story of the restoration
          their backyard. But for me, I think   blue. Pain comes when there is   of the female side of God which
          two of the main reasons why this   a disunity or disharmony of the    was lost to deception at the fall
          happens are that,  most people     various body parts.                of man in the Garden of Eden.
          lack the basic understanding of    As part  of re-consideration for   Make sense? Another question
          the meta-physical reality of  life   pain, let us look at the story of   to ponder on is this, if scripture
          and also many are too self and     the man named Job in the bible.    had not shown that God had a
          convenience centered that they     It’s a popular story and also hap-  conversation  with Satan about
          can’t think that what they con-    pens to be, according  to bible    Job, would we have known what
          sider evil or “not convenient” is   scholars, the oldest book in the   caused Job’s pain? I don’t think
          actually for  their own good.  So   bible. For me, the book of Job is   so, except if we were told by the
          it’s really about basic under-     one which has not been properly    Spirit of knowledge. And would
          standing of the reality of life and   interpreted by many.  According   we have also known that the fa-
          also the reality of meta-life. For   to the bible book of Job, Job as a   therhood expression of Job prior
          instance, take the human body      husband,  father, community el-    to losing his first set of children
          as  an example.  When the  hu-     der, went through every form of    was faulty? I  don’t think so ei-
          man body has been stressed         pain available to man. The emo-    ther, for he seemed to have the
          beyond a certain level, it  shuts   tional pain of losing his first set   perfect family, worship and busi-
          down or you  feel pain some-       of children, the financial pain of   ness setting. But God knew all
          where within or in your muscles    losing his entire wealth, the spir-  of those things that Job was not
          or even  get a headache.  Such     itual pain of losing his items of   aware of. You will agree with me
          pain may serious or not depend-    worship to God i.e. his animals    that if Job had not gone through
          ing on how deep the stress has     for  sacrifices  and  worship,  the   all those pains he went through,
          gone.  Meta-physically, the di-    social pain of  being destitute,   he would  have not come to a
          vine  Mind  may just be prompt-    the bodily pain of having boils    place in his entire life where he
          ing someone to pay attention to    all over his body and the various   could say to God “I have heard
          their body through the pain. And   other things that  happened to     of You by the hearing of the ear,
          sometimes, humans reject pain      him. At the end of it all he was   but now my eye sees You.” Job
          because it brings them to the      restored. But the question is      42:5. Job came to know God in-
          place of humility. A place where   this, why did God allow  Job to    timately through  his pain.  And
          their so-called  strength is com-  go through so much pain? I will    that knowledge of God is all that
          pletely used up and their human    try to give two answers, even      matters  even  if  he had died in
          weakness is laid bare for them     though I am sure there are other   that pain.
          and  others to see. But in any     answers. Firstly, God was mak-     So  my  people,  even as  you
          case, that pain or bodily incon-   ing a loud boast to Satan about    muse over these words, do not
          venience may have been sent to     the faithfulness and godliness of   take your pain for  granted  and
          make you stop and review.          Job, even without Job’s aware-     also do not over think highly of it
                                             ness. For clearly according to     beyond what God allows you to.
                                             the story, Job’s pain began the    There is beauty in pain just as
          Reconsider pain                    moment God asked Satan “have       the beauty of gold only appears
          Pain is not meant to kill you. In
                                             you seen my servant Job?” Sec-     through the pain of fire.
          fact someone  said that without
                                             ond answer, God was redefining
          pain there is  no gain. Meaning
                                             fatherhood as it relates to son-   Shalom!
          pain is meant to show you that

          24   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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