Page 28 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 28
ues to recommend the use of or whose children or family vaccine safety issues, WHO has
the DTP vaccine in developing members or patients have had established a Global Advisory
countries. (Developed countries negative experiences from vac- Committee on Vaccine Safety. ”
have switched to the DTaP vac- cinations. They are facing tre- They have a list of key points on
cine because the DTP vaccine mendous push back, including the same page which are: “
is associated with a higher risk censorship. Why do they have to •There is no such thing as
of adverse events, but the DTP fight so hard for when they have a "perfect" vaccine which
is still used in WHO vaccination proof? Why the sudden push protects everyone who re-
campaigns primarily because for mandatory vaccinations in ceives it AND is entirely
it’s cheaper.)” Although, accord- countries in the world? Consider
safe for everyone.
ing to online testimonials, peo- the case of the United States of
•Effective vaccines (i.e.
ple are experiencing adverse America, which has protections
vaccines inducing protec-
reactions to DTaP as well. in place for the manufacturers of
An article published on Foxnews. vaccines, with US Congress cat- tive immunity) may produce
com on December 19th 2019, egorizing vaccines as ‘unavoid- some undesirable side ef-
stated that a whooping cough ably unsafe’. In this instance, fects which are mostly mild
outbreak forced a Texas school the US Government, rather than and clear up quickly.
to close despite a 100-percent the vaccine manufacturers, is •The majority of events
vaccination rate. This followed the one that pays compensation thought to be related to the
findings that the MMR vaccine from taxpayers’ pockets for cas- administration of a vaccine
strain has actually been the es of vaccine injury and death -
are actually not due to the
cause of some outbreaks and so far to the tune of over 4 billion
vaccine itself - many are
deaths. These vaccines kill American dollars. Convert that simply coincidental events,
and even appear to sicken and to your local currency.
weaken, rather than strengthen The WHO is aware of negative others (particularly in de-
veloping countries) are due
the ones receiving them. Users side effects, which means that
and proponents of the influen- Afrikan countries must have to human, or programme
za vaccine have also reported been amply advised on the error.
online that they caught the flu. same or at least read the items I •It is not possible to predict
In Uganda, mothers of children read on the WHO website where every individual who might
with the measles vaccine com- they say that “vaccine-associat- have a mild or serious reac-
plained they were in hospital ed adverse events may affect tion to a vaccine, although
more often than mothers of chil- healthy individuals and should there are a few contraindi-
dren who didn’t vaccinate ( LA be promptly identified to allow cations to some vaccines.
Times piece). An article in Re- additional research and appro-
By following contraindi-
uters in February 2020, states priate action to take place. In
cations the risk of serious
that after a swift uptake of the order to respond promptly, effi-
HPV vaccine in Japan in 2009, ciently, and with scientific rigor to adverse effects can be min-
the health ministry suspended imized.”
its active recommendation after
reports of side effects including Did you see that? ‘Particularly
muscle pain, sleep disorders, in developing countries.’ I don’t
and light and sound sensitivi- know, maybe the US is now one
ty. The article goes on to claim This body that we of the ‘developing countries’?
that Japan is putting lives at risk The Global Advisory Commit-
because of this decision, but I live in was carefully tee on Vaccine Safety (GACVS)
have to wonder. Especially after and masterfully de- convened a group of experts in
growing concerns being raised December 2010 to “review the
about the safety of the HPV Vac- signed by God with WHO guidelines on assessing
cine following 436 deaths. What remarkable protec- the causes of serious AEFIs.”
does Japan know that we don’t? tive and self-healing AEFIs are Adverse Effects Fol-
There are thousands of sto- lowing Immunizations. A 2011
qualities. GACVS meeting report stated
ries of people who have had
28 | heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika