Page 29 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 29
the following concerning the tion at that level, and therefore the USD 4 billion dollar compen-
safety profile of Meningococcal there’s less and less trust in the sation trail. So do the firsthand
A conjugate vaccine which was system.” What this says to me is experiences and testimonials of
introduced to Burkina Faso, Mali that ‘vaccine hesitancy’ is a natu- thousands of people.
and Niger: “Passive surveillance ral concern that has arisen from So, what’s really going on here?
revealed a total of 1807 AEFIs, experiences that people on the Why would WHO and all its ex-
including 44 serious events, ground are having with vaccines. perts and world governments will-
reported from 18.4 million peo- Her statements a few days after ingly subject people to vaccines
ple vaccinated in the 3 coun- a WHO promotional video which that harm them, sicken them,
tries during introduction...” This featured her saying: “Vaccines weaken their God-given immuni-
means that out of 1807 AEFIs, are very safe. If someone gets ty and kill them? Could it be sim-
which in all likelihood would sick after vaccination, it is usually ply a plan to eradicate 10 to 15%
never have taken place without either a coincidence, an error in of the global population? It cer-
the immunization exercise, the administering the vaccine, or very tainly doesn’t seem to be about
WHO is saying only 44 AEFIs rarely, a problem with the vac- health and human safety, if it was
were serious and of those 44 cine itself. That’s why we have wouldn’t we have reviewed our
only 3 were possibly or probably vaccine safety systems. Robust approach by now?
related to vaccination. The same vaccine safety systems allow This world! God created man in
report discusses ways in which health workers and experts to re- His Own image, blessed them
to introduce a Rotavirus vac- act immediately to any problems and said be fruitful, multiply, fill
cine to Afrika and Asia that has that may arise. They can exam- the earth and subdue it, have do-
a known risk of intussusception ine the problem and rigorously minion over the fish of the sea,
( “intussuscep- and scientifically look at the data birds of the air and every living
tion (in-tuh-suh-SEP-shun) is a and promptly address problems. thing that moves on the earth.
serious condition in which part WHO works closely with coun- Man said, forget God! Let’s con-
of the intestine slides into an ad- tries to make sure that vaccines duct vasectomies; tie tubes; have
jacent part of the intestine. This can do what they do best: prevent abortions; trigger miscarriages;
"telescoping" often blocks food disease without risks.” (Links to introduce foreign animal and hu-
or fluid from passing through.” both videos along with an expla- man DNA into one another; poi-
Symptoms in children include nation of current online censor- son the living physically, mentally
“sudden loud crying because ship practices can be found here.) and spiritually through food, wa-
of pain.” This condition requires But the WHO itself contradicts the ter, media; bribe or replace the
surgical intervention to resolve.) video’s claims that ‘vaccines are governments that refuse to coop-
This year, there was a video of very safe’, saying that, “There is erate; reduce the population and
a Chief Scientist at the WHO no such thing as a "perfect" vac- dominate the ones who are left
saying that, “I think we cannot cine which protects everyone who and force them to do our will.
overemphasize the fact that receives it AND is entirely safe It’s time for Afrika to check if
we really don’t have very good for everyone.” Additionally the the vaccines we are given are
safety monitoring systems in GAVCS report shared in this arti- bio-weapons for population re-
many countries, and this adds cle tells a different story. So does duction. Now, not later.
to the miscommunication and
the misapprehensions because
we’re not able to give clear-
cut answers when people ask
questions about the deaths that
have occurred due to a partic-
ular vaccine, and this always
gets blown up in the media. One
should be able to give a very
factual account of what exact-
ly has happened and what the
cause of deaths are, but in most
cases, there is some obfusca- heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika | 29