Page 31 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 31


          was acquired by the German         recently? Could Glyphosate         town. This is corroborated by
          Multinational Bayer.  Howev-       based Weed Killers like Round-     The Head of Oncology and
          er, RoundUp was expected to        Up be the culprit just like in the   Physiotherapy at Moi Teaching
          remain as a brand and even if      California case, as it’s entered   and Referral hospital in Eldoret
          the brand was to disappear, the    their faming practice only in the   who reported that cancer cases
          active ingredient Glyphosate in    recent past? Could the cows        were rising at alarming rate in
          Weed Killers would definitely      be getting cancerous because       the area; 5000 cancer referral
          be in different brands.  As of     of contaminated drinking water     cases annually since 2016.
          August 2018, more than 8,000       flowing from trenches that drain   [7] Eldoret produces cereals
          lawsuits had come up in the        the soil to prevent water logging   including wheat, barley and
          U.S. claiming that RoundUp         in Kipipiri?                       maize. Again, Weed killers are
          caused cancer on the individual    Cancer is not confined to Nyan-    used heavily here to control
          suing or their deceased family     darua County but is wreaking       weeds in Wheat and Maize
          members. [2]                       havoc in Nyeri, Meru, Embu,        farms. Are Glyphosate based
                                             Nakuru, and Eldoret among          Weed Killers responsible for
          CANCER CASES RISE AT AN            other regions in Kenya.            the rise of cancer in Meru and
          ALARMING RATE IN KENYA             Governor Mutahi Kahiga of          Eldoret too?
          15,000km from San Francis-         Nyeri is also familiar with the    It is indisputable that cancer is
          co, a crisis is looming and the    cancer crisis in Nyeri. In Feb-    on the rise in Kenya.
          response has been panic,           ruary 2018, he was in Nyeri
          helplessness and fighting fires.   County Referral Hospital when      ARE WE JUST FIGHTING
          Nyandarua County is known          the facility launched free cancer   FIRES? SHOULD THERE BE
          to be very fertile. That fertility   screening. [4] Besides the high   AN URGENT CONCURENT
          is not evident in the produce      usage of Weed Killers in the       EFFORT TO ESTABLISH THE
          only but in weeds that spring      county, some farmers in Nyeri      SOURCE OF THE RISING
          up ruthlessly. Farmers in this     are spraying maturing onions       CANCER CASES?
          county consider weed killers a     with Weed Killers to dry them      It’s obvious that these places
          miracle and a solution to the      quickly so that the entire crop    have something in common.
          persistent weeds. The use of       is harvested and transported in    They are farming communities
          weed killer in this county by      one shipment thereby saving        and their hospitals are over-
          small scale farmers is recent,     cost. The public will be shocked   whelmed by new cancer cases.
          as is everywhere else in Kenya.    to know that this practice is ap-  It is also true that widespread
          Coincidentally, farmers in Nyan-   plied elsewhere to dry up wheat    use of weed killer to control
          darua have been grappling          and barley right before harvest.   weeds is fairly new in Kenya
          with cancer at an alarming rate    [5] Is Glyphosate in Weed          especially with small scale
          which is also a new phenome-       Killers responsible for increased   farmers. The response by both
          non in the area. Former County     cancer cases in Nyeri too?         National and respective Coun-
          Women’s Rep is all too familiar    In June 2015, Meru County          try leadership has been cancer
          with the crisis.  In May 2015,     government started a cancer        screening and advocating for
          she helped raise Ksh 10 million    awareness programme after it       more and bigger cancer cen-
          to build Ksh.1 Billion Cancer      was noted that 15% of all can-     ters. This is expected of politi-
          Center at Miharati, Kipipiri. [3]   cer cases referred to Kenyatta    cians since it easier to get re-
          I was shocked to learn from a      National Hospital were from        elected if people can point to a
          local veterinarian that cows are   Meru. At the time, the County      building that they helped build.
          being disposed to the slaughter    government was planning to         The building also provides
          house with strange cancers         build a Ksh. 700 Million Cancer    handy political optics to cement
          which he has only seen in huge     Treatment Center. [6] Further      legacy and eternal fame. But is
          numbers in the last 5 years. Is    West, my friend from Eldoret       screening only enough? Should
          it possible that cancer cases      who lives in New Zealand visit-    the solution to this emerging
          have risen in Nyandarua Coun-      ed home in 2017 after 3 years      threat be building “modern”
          ty necessitating such a huge       absence and was shocked at         cancer centers? Should we
          cancer treatment center due to     the rate of cancer centers that    only focus on treating or should
          something they have adapted        have cropped up in her home        we find out the source of can-

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