Page 36 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 5
P. 36




                                                  Samuel Phillips

                  o clearly understand       According to the Biblical story of   face of the deep. The Spirit of
                  this genius Afrikan        creation, the heavens and the      God which is the Life Force of
                  principle of Ma'at and     earth were created by God, by      God moved upon all of the cha-
          Tits relevance from the            His Spirit of wisdom which put     os and formlessness and like a
          inception of our world, we need    all things together in accurate    Divine creative Architect, plotted
          to first understand the concept    harmony. We read in Genesis        the entire edifice called earth.
          of Chaos from the perspec-         1 and 2 about what the space       The Hidden Voice of God (The
          tive of ancient Afrikans. There    we now call earth looked like      Amen) then released His Word
          are lots of creation stories       before anything was created        which instantly brought forth
          one could choose to use for        that was created. There was        light and the next lines of words
          this article, but I chose to use   darkness, emptiness (void),        and utterances created the oth-
          the Biblical creation story. No    depths of incomprehensible         er things that were created. An
          biases intended whatsoever,        realities hidden, formlessness     interplay of sound (music), light
          just a personal preference.        and practical chaos upon the       (knowledge) and movement

          36   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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